第一 接问题
1. 可以通过适当的连接词
考官在发问完毕之后,你要把这个问题接过来,而且是很自然的接过来,尽量少用yes,no这两个词,学会用其他的承接词。当你非常确定的时候,可以用 absolutely,definitely,当你不能十分确定的时候,可以用well,it might be a problem. /maybe I am not so sure about that/I am afraid……/it depends. 然后再展开自己的答案。
2. 可以通过适当重复问题的部分单词开始自己的回答
考官问:when do people usually get married in your country?
l In china, people often get married when they are aged…….
l People in china usually choose to get married……
l The majority of Chinese people are inclined to get married…….
第二 散问题
lWhat was your favorite subject at high school?
The key words of the question:
Favorite subject
Extended questions:
Why you liked this subject
Who taught this subject, whether you liked the teacher or not
Did other students like it?
What did you learn from this subject?
例如:well, when learning in the high school, I was keen on the history, coz my teacher, Mrs Huang, always made an interesting historical story for the class, which helped us have more fun.
l How often do you read books?
Extended questions:
How often you read novels, magazines, etc.
Why do you often read?
Where do you often read?
Do you discuss the book with your friends?