Topic7. advertisement
l 广告在哪里出现;你对车子上听到的广告有什么感觉;
l 电视上的广告你相信并购买吗?哪些产品分别适用于哪种媒介,Why;
l 针对小孩看的广告好吗?Do you think it good to make advertisement aim at children;How to control this;(advertisement对于小孩有误导性吗?为什么?对于男人女人有误导性吗);
l 男人女人在购物上的习惯有什么不同;花很多钱去购买收藏品是不是明智的决定呢;对于广告的播放是不是应该进行一些约束?
Topic8. Gift you bought for your friend 63
PART3:Why do people send gift? How do you choose the correct gift?
l What kind of gifts do you send? Expensive or cheap? How can you know that the gift you sent is correct?
l Is that it to send gift? Why do Chinese send money as gift, just practical reasons or traditions? When is the occasion to send gift?
l Where do people buy things? How is the quality of gift from internet? What do you think about charity?
Topic9. Describe the changes in your hometown 168
PART3:What does the government ask people to do? What about in the village?
l Should people have the right to ask to change things they find uncomfortable in cities?
l What is different in cities of Australia and your country?
l What are the urgent needs of people in cities? Why they have this changed?
l If government plan to change, should they ask locals ‘opinion?
Topic10. Describe an occasion of being late 40
l 未来人们会更准时还是会迟到?
l 什么样的人更容易迟到?男人和女人相比谁更容易迟到?
l 你在和客户或同学交往的过程中迟到的经历如何?
l 有问现在的节奏是不是比以前快了?天气和以前比有没有变化?
l 一个礼拜最好工作几个小时?
Topic11. 老人 18
PART3:Do Chinese people like being with old people?
l 老人在家里扮演什么角色?中国文化对老人的过去和现在有什么变化;
l 你们以什么态度来对待老人;和过去有没有改变老人需要工作吗?你认为给老人限制一个退休年龄的做法是正确的吗;
l Old culture’s influence on our generation;Does your generation respect old people today;Compared with the past;Does it change;
l What can the government do to improve living conditions of old people?