Section 3
版本号:V09142 S3
题型:Completion / Multiple Choice / Matching
Discussion about cosmetics.
21. A. inspired by an article
B. referred by a lecturer
C. done by an assignment
22. three age groups' preference (bar chart)
A. left stands the highest while the middle refers the lowest
Factors as below:
23. low price of the product priority
24. size
25. fashion
26. smell
Research method matching:
27. C verbalization
28. A interview
29. B questionnaire
30. C verbalization
Section 4
题型:Completion / Multiple Choice
Undergraduate employment Analysis
31. enrolment
A. the increase of application will decrease
B. some subject will not be popular in the future
C. the enrolment number is the same as before
32. The survey in the past
A. only one research
B. poor instrument
C. difficult to investigate
Targetnumberinvestigate means
*****20033. telephone survey
*****1634. case study
*****4535. postal survey
Shortcomings from the students
36. lack problem-solving skills
37. poor communication skills
Suggestion from the university
38. self-evaluation is recommended by the employers
39. participation of social activities
40. offer more further training