1. 描述你认识的最懂礼貌的人The most polite person you know
2. 描述一个你喜欢的家长 A member of your family
3. 描述一个你第一次遇见就与之成为了好朋友的人 a person you have been friends since you first met each other
4. 描述一个有重要工作的人 Someone you think have an important job
5. 描述一个你亲密的朋友An intimate friend
6. 描述你最近/近期的变化 A recent change
7. 描述你国家重要的植物,可以是水果;花卉或者蔬菜An important plant in your country(fruit, flower or vegetable)
P3: Do you like the plant in your home?现在很多人都自己种植物,你怎么看;你认为未来会不会有很多人自己种植植物。
8. 描述最近看过的一场表演 A performance you have seen recently
9. 描述一次你帮助别人的场景 An occasion you helped others
10. 除了英语和普通话以外还想学的一种语言 A foreign language you would like to study except mandarin
11. 描述一则让你看过后想要买相关产品的广告An advertisement that make you to buy something
What is advertised; what the advertisement contain; what kinds of people would be interested in; and explain why you think this advertisement works well.
12. 描述你想要在海上尝试进行的运动 Activities on the sea that you want to try
13. 描述一次迟到经历 A time when you were late
14. 描述一次出门在外的完美假期An ideal vocation
15. 一次去城市或郊区旅行的经历A trip to a city or countryside
16. 描述你曾经住过的一个房间/住过很久的房间 A room you lived before/for a long time
17. 描述一个你曾经去过的漂亮的房子A beautiful house or flat you have visited
18. 描述你去又大又拥挤的地方的经历 A crowed palace where is full of people
Where the place is; how large it is; what do people usually do there; and explain why the place is crowed
19. 描述你收到的对你来说很重要的消息 An important message you received
20. 描述一个游戏(非运动)A game (not sports)
21. 描述你听过的有趣的演讲 An interesting speech
22. 从一个家庭成员身上学到的东西Something you learned from a family member
23. 与未来相关的一部书或者电影 A book or film you read or watched about the future
24. 描述小学的数学课 Math lessons at primary school
25. 描述一个Café
26. 描述一个图书馆 A library
27. 你喜欢的一餐 Your favorite meal
28. 描述一顿你邀请别人吃的饭 A meal you invented people to eat
29. 特殊的一餐A special meal
30. 描述最喜欢的食物 Your favorite food
31. 一个除电脑以外的有用的电器设备 A useful equipment (not a computer)
32. 曾浏览过的有用网站A useful website you visited before
33. 最喜欢的一件(一种)衣服 Your favorite(type of) clothes
34. 一项集体工作 A team project/group activity you did
What the project is; when and with whom you did it; how you finished it; and explain what you can learn from it.
35. 描述一个你将来的计划(但不是与工作或者学习相关的)A plan you have for the future(but not related to work or study):
What it is; why you have this plan; what the first step in your plan is; what you will need to do in order to make the plan work; and explain how you think you will feel after you achieve this.