孟磊 上海新东方雅思听力主讲教师,主攻语言学和教育学,对不同层次学习者的教学法颇有研究,注重因材施教。专业八级,并高分通过雅思考试。善于从宏观角度透析雅思听力各种题型的出题本质,课程讲解清晰易懂,条理分明,课堂氛围轻松愉快,节奏紧凑,学生在提高答题能力的同时提高自己的英语水平,在学员中广受好评。
Section One:
1. 每次团体旅游可容纳?------ C. 38
2. 有个设施不能用?----- B. meeting roomunavailable
3. 什么情况用餐要预定?----- B. 农庄的人cook for them
4. All people go to he farm can play?----- A. hear information about organic farming
5. 活动中有个survival course?----- B. find the food
6. 去最近的地方if you want to go the nearest place?----- C. cycling route
7. 如果下雨的话,可以去?----- C. museum
8. 预定付多少钱?----- C. part of the money
9. 一个地址:Cotehele
10. 一个编号:SH121LQ
Section Two:
Stock Market
11. travelling
Make People Tried
12. get good shoes
Office Work
Air Condition
13. wear formal clothes
14. choose a large office
Work at Zoo
15. good pay
16. live nearby
17. Where Peter gets the information to work at zoo? ----- A. from a friend
18. What did Peter think about his work? ----- B. challenging
19. Get information about environment? ----- B. workwith children
20. What will Peter prefer to do next term? ----- A. won’ttake any job