2). 基础语法把握能力;我们一般强调听力不考语法,只考察听写能力,但是掌握基本的语法知识却是一个好的语言运用者所必不可少的素质;这在听力考试中也会无形的帮助大家提高有效信息的捕捉能力;如剑8 Test 3 Q 27-30的配对题,出题形式大家都很熟悉,与C7T4S3 Q23-26 极为相似, 即:
What does Paul decide about each of the following modules?
Write the correct letter, A, B or C, next to questions 27-30.
A He will do this
B He might do this
C He won’t do this
27. Gender Studies in Latin America_____
28. Second Language Acquisition ______
29. Indigenous Women’s Lives ______
30. Portuguese Language Studies ______
但难点在于信息把握上不如剑7中的直接,Q27原文:If it was to do with people in the village rather than those in the public sphere, I would. 此题为典型的虚拟语气,如果大家对虚拟语气把握较好,很容易辨别答案为C,虚拟的即为不可能实现或实现可能性小,因此按照相反方向选择即可。