新航道:2011.7.30 雅思口语Part 1预测

2011-07-21 09:22:00 新航道雅思口语Part1预测
  下面是2011年7月30日雅思口语Part 1预测的详细内容,是由新航道发布的。新航道雅思口语预测的内容在量上面并不是很多,但是在准确性和命中率上面还是值得人信赖的,下面我们就一起来看看这些雅思口语Part 1预测的内容,看看对大家有什么帮助。

  2011年7月30日雅思口语Part 1预测

  1. name【姓名】: have you even wanted to change your name; does it contain special meaning; who gives this name for you; how do people in your country choose a name for the newly born child;

  2. study or work【学生还是工作】

  study: what’s your major; is it popular in your country; why do you choose this subject as your major; classmates and teachers, which is more important to you;

  work: what is the most interesting part in your work; are you accustomed to working alone or with other colleagues;

  3. swimming【游泳】: do you like to swim in a pool or at sea; do Chinese people like to swim;

  4. flowers【鲜花】: do you like flowers; what types of flowers do you like; do those flowers have special meanings; do you use flowers in special occasion;

  5. happiness【幸福】: is happiness relevant to wealth; is unhappiness always negative to our life; what influences does happiness exert on our daily life;

  6. Computer【电脑】: what do you use computer for? how often do you use computer; what aspect do you want to learn about computer?

  7. Free time【休闲时间】: what do people usually do at weekends? Is there any difference between men’s way to spend the weekends and women’s? How do you spend your own free time?

  8. animal & pet【动物&宠物】: What’s your favorite wild animal; do Chinese people like to keep a pet; do you think pet is important to Chinese people;

  9. First school【第一所学校】: what about your first school? which part of the school did you like best; what did you think of the school;

  10. weather【天气】: what kind of weather do you like? what’s the weather like in China? how do the extreme weathers, such as the sultry weather and frigid weather affect the work or study?

  11. Time management【时间管理】: how do you manage your time; do you think whether the way that you manage time is effective or not; do you think it is necessary for people to manage time; what will you do if you are available;

  12. color【颜色】: how important do you think colors play the role in your life; what color of the clothes do you like at present; how about when you were a child; what color does your family prefer;

  13. number【数字】: do you remember numbers? how do you remember them? do the numbers have special meanings in your country? is number helpful to your daily life?

  14. concert【音乐会】: have you been to the live concert? Is there any difference between listing to the CDS and the live concert; what kind of concert is there in your country;

  15. science【科学】: do you like science? have you ever had any scientific courses; what aspect do you think is interesting in science?


《新航道:2011.7.30 雅思口语Part 1预测.doc》























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  下面是2011年7月30日雅思口语Part 1预测的详细内容,是由新航道发布的。新航道雅思口语预测的内容在量上面并不是很多,但是在准确性和命中率上面还是值得人信赖的,下面我们就一起来看看这些雅思口语Part 1预测的内容,看看对大家有什么帮助。

  2011年7月30日雅思口语Part 1预测

  1. name【姓名】: have you even wanted to change your name; does it contain special meaning; who gives this name for you; how do people in your country choose a name for the newly born child;

  2. study or work【学生还是工作】

  study: what’s your major; is it popular in your country; why do you choose this subject as your major; classmates and teachers, which is more important to you;

  work: what is the most interesting part in your work; are you accustomed to working alone or with other colleagues;

  3. swimming【游泳】: do you like to swim in a pool or at sea; do Chinese people like to swim;

  4. flowers【鲜花】: do you like flowers; what types of flowers do you like; do those flowers have special meanings; do you use flowers in special occasion;

  5. happiness【幸福】: is happiness relevant to wealth; is unhappiness always negative to our life; what influences does happiness exert on our daily life;

  6. Computer【电脑】: what do you use computer for? how often do you use computer; what aspect do you want to learn about computer?

  7. Free time【休闲时间】: what do people usually do at weekends? Is there any difference between men’s way to spend the weekends and women’s? How do you spend your own free time?

  8. animal & pet【动物&宠物】: What’s your favorite wild animal; do Chinese people like to keep a pet; do you think pet is important to Chinese people;

  9. First school【第一所学校】: what about your first school? which part of the school did you like best; what did you think of the school;

  10. weather【天气】: what kind of weather do you like? what’s the weather like in China? how do the extreme weathers, such as the sultry weather and frigid weather affect the work or study?

  11. Time management【时间管理】: how do you manage your time; do you think whether the way that you manage time is effective or not; do you think it is necessary for people to manage time; what will you do if you are available;

  12. color【颜色】: how important do you think colors play the role in your life; what color of the clothes do you like at present; how about when you were a child; what color does your family prefer;

  13. number【数字】: do you remember numbers? how do you remember them? do the numbers have special meanings in your country? is number helpful to your daily life?

  14. concert【音乐会】: have you been to the live concert? Is there any difference between listing to the CDS and the live concert; what kind of concert is there in your country;

  15. science【科学】: do you like science? have you ever had any scientific courses; what aspect do you think is interesting in science?

