2011.11.5 雅思口语预测【陈湃】

2011-11-01 17:10:21


  1. Major/work/handicrafts/collections

  Are you studying or working? Do you love your major or job? Students and teachers, who do you think are more important? Do Children in your country learn how to do handicrafts? Did you love to do handicrafts before? What is the real meaning of it?

  2. Hometown & weather & Birds & Swimming

  Where are you from? Are there any changes happened in your hometown these years? Is your hometown suitable for young guys to live? What is the weather like in your hometown? What kind of weather do you love? Where do you want to live, in big cities or small cities? Do you love to do outdoor activities? Can you see birds from your place? What special meanings do different birds have in China? Do you love swimming? What are the benefits of swimming?

  3. Flats & Neighbors & color & photography

  What kind of colors do you love more, light colors or dark colors, why? What kind of color did you love before? What is the color that you would definitely not use in your flat? Why. Is there anything which needs to be improved in your flat? In your family, who does the housework? Do you love taking pictures of taking pictures of you? Why. What is the real meaning of taking photographs?

  4. Flowers & gifts & numbers & birthday

  How do Chinese normally celebrate birthdays? What are the important birthdays for Chinese? Do you love flowers? You love to get gifts or send gifts? Explain why. When do Chinese usually send or receive flowers? What special meanings do flowers have in China? How to remember those complicated numbers? What special meanings do different numbers have in China?

  5. News/phones/ TV programs/computers/painting

  Which way do you normally get news, on TV, in newspaper or some ways? Do you love watching TV? What kind of TV programs do you love? What is the importance of computers? Do you love drawing? What kind of painting do you love? Do you think kids should learn it? Explain why.

  6. Music & dance& Natural sound & films

  which way do you love to spare time, with your family members or friends? Do you love watching films? do you love dancing? what kind of dance do you love? do you want to learn it in the future? where do you love to watch films, at home or in the cinema? how do you feel about noise? which what kind of natural sound do you love to listen to?

  7. Shopping & Travelling & relaxation & holidays

  do you love traveling? what is the real meaning of traveling? Can you drive? Do you love self-driving tours? which public holiday do you love more, national holiday or spring festival?what do you usually do during holidays? how do you feel about happiness? does it have anything to do with money? Do you love shopping? how do you feel about fashion?

  8. Sports &Transportations & pets

  What kind of sports do you love? what kind of outdoor activity do you love? do you love sea? why. do you want to live by sea? what is your favorite transportation? do you love to travel by air? how often do you usually travel by air? Do you love pets? explain why. Do people in China love pets?

  Part two

  A People & Animals

  * a good student influences on you=an adventurous person=A friend of yours who tends to be leader=an oldest family member=A good friend/neighbor=a teacher you want to meet in the future; a wild animal, a fairytale character in your childhood(旧题翻新:多米诺白金里找 little mermaid吧,还能和a foreign film多米诺起来);a person you want to see in news (近期考得特别多; a person you helped, A person you want to travel with (注意时态); A host=A foreign celebrity; A child=A family but not yours, A great cook (不是饭,不是西餐那个,是厨师)=two family members (2005年一个老得掉渣的题目;

  B Objects

  *A kind of western food; A piece of clothing you wore on a special occasion (时态)=a kind of clothing you like to wear (看到了吧,两个看起来差不多的题目,时态完全不一样,能迅速变换时态,说的灵活自然的孩子们肯定能到7!); A vehicle you want to have (虚拟); A piece of electronic equipment=A photo, A gift you received from others=An expensive thing you bought/want to buy

  C Events

  a thing made you angry=a trip which was longer than you had expected; a competition you watched or participated in;

  a sports event/match you watched;

  A happy family event=A day off study/work (最近考得特别频繁)=A project you did with others=An interesting thing or unusual thing you did recently =An celebration for something=a successful thing you want to do in the future (注意时态语气)

  A thing your friend did that made you admire=*An important conversation over the phone(不停地考,太没新意啦)=A walk you had with your friend=A visit you got;

  A public event=a musical event(和歌曲那个多米诺哈); a wedding you attended (挺孤品的,但是还是准备吧。一直在考呀。。。)

  A science course you took=A thing you did which was good to the environment

  A healthy lifestyle=An outdoor activity;

  D places

  a work place (store, shop, office); A historical place/building (和课上讲的a well-known story那个多米诺哈)=an interesting place which is open to public(新题,后边的公园也能用上,都是换汤不换药的东西啦) ; a place you want to go travelling=A park or a garden=A leisure center/place/street=A season you love=A city you have been to=your dream house==a peaceful place that features water; a successful small company (最近考不停呀; a noisy place; A shop/store/restaurant=a shopping center;

  a room you loved in your childhood

  E Media

  a personality you have; *A new law in China; Your ideal job=a job makes the world better; *A piece of interesting news; A TV program=An educational TV program (这两个也一样), A quiz show, A (foreign) film, An advertisement; A song you love (找前边的音乐会那个; a kind of western music


《2011.11.5 雅思口语预测【陈湃】.doc》























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  1. Major/work/handicrafts/collections

  Are you studying or working? Do you love your major or job? Students and teachers, who do you think are more important? Do Children in your country learn how to do handicrafts? Did you love to do handicrafts before? What is the real meaning of it?

  2. Hometown & weather & Birds & Swimming

  Where are you from? Are there any changes happened in your hometown these years? Is your hometown suitable for young guys to live? What is the weather like in your hometown? What kind of weather do you love? Where do you want to live, in big cities or small cities? Do you love to do outdoor activities? Can you see birds from your place? What special meanings do different birds have in China? Do you love swimming? What are the benefits of swimming?

  3. Flats & Neighbors & color & photography

  What kind of colors do you love more, light colors or dark colors, why? What kind of color did you love before? What is the color that you would definitely not use in your flat? Why. Is there anything which needs to be improved in your flat? In your family, who does the housework? Do you love taking pictures of taking pictures of you? Why. What is the real meaning of taking photographs?

  4. Flowers & gifts & numbers & birthday

  How do Chinese normally celebrate birthdays? What are the important birthdays for Chinese? Do you love flowers? You love to get gifts or send gifts? Explain why. When do Chinese usually send or receive flowers? What special meanings do flowers have in China? How to remember those complicated numbers? What special meanings do different numbers have in China?

  5. News/phones/ TV programs/computers/painting

  Which way do you normally get news, on TV, in newspaper or some ways? Do you love watching TV? What kind of TV programs do you love? What is the importance of computers? Do you love drawing? What kind of painting do you love? Do you think kids should learn it? Explain why.

  6. Music & dance& Natural sound & films

  which way do you love to spare time, with your family members or friends? Do you love watching films? do you love dancing? what kind of dance do you love? do you want to learn it in the future? where do you love to watch films, at home or in the cinema? how do you feel about noise? which what kind of natural sound do you love to listen to?

  7. Shopping & Travelling & relaxation & holidays

  do you love traveling? what is the real meaning of traveling? Can you drive? Do you love self-driving tours? which public holiday do you love more, national holiday or spring festival?what do you usually do during holidays? how do you feel about happiness? does it have anything to do with money? Do you love shopping? how do you feel about fashion?

  8. Sports &Transportations & pets

  What kind of sports do you love? what kind of outdoor activity do you love? do you love sea? why. do you want to live by sea? what is your favorite transportation? do you love to travel by air? how often do you usually travel by air? Do you love pets? explain why. Do people in China love pets?

  Part two

  A People & Animals

  * a good student influences on you=an adventurous person=A friend of yours who tends to be leader=an oldest family member=A good friend/neighbor=a teacher you want to meet in the future; a wild animal, a fairytale character in your childhood(旧题翻新:多米诺白金里找 little mermaid吧,还能和a foreign film多米诺起来);a person you want to see in news (近期考得特别多; a person you helped, A person you want to travel with (注意时态); A host=A foreign celebrity; A child=A family but not yours, A great cook (不是饭,不是西餐那个,是厨师)=two family members (2005年一个老得掉渣的题目;

  B Objects

  *A kind of western food; A piece of clothing you wore on a special occasion (时态)=a kind of clothing you like to wear (看到了吧,两个看起来差不多的题目,时态完全不一样,能迅速变换时态,说的灵活自然的孩子们肯定能到7!); A vehicle you want to have (虚拟); A piece of electronic equipment=A photo, A gift you received from others=An expensive thing you bought/want to buy

  C Events

  a thing made you angry=a trip which was longer than you had expected; a competition you watched or participated in;

  a sports event/match you watched;

  A happy family event=A day off study/work (最近考得特别频繁)=A project you did with others=An interesting thing or unusual thing you did recently =An celebration for something=a successful thing you want to do in the future (注意时态语气)

  A thing your friend did that made you admire=*An important conversation over the phone(不停地考,太没新意啦)=A walk you had with your friend=A visit you got;

  A public event=a musical event(和歌曲那个多米诺哈); a wedding you attended (挺孤品的,但是还是准备吧。一直在考呀。。。)

  A science course you took=A thing you did which was good to the environment

  A healthy lifestyle=An outdoor activity;

  D places

  a work place (store, shop, office); A historical place/building (和课上讲的a well-known story那个多米诺哈)=an interesting place which is open to public(新题,后边的公园也能用上,都是换汤不换药的东西啦) ; a place you want to go travelling=A park or a garden=A leisure center/place/street=A season you love=A city you have been to=your dream house==a peaceful place that features water; a successful small company (最近考不停呀; a noisy place; A shop/store/restaurant=a shopping center;

  a room you loved in your childhood

  E Media

  a personality you have; *A new law in China; Your ideal job=a job makes the world better; *A piece of interesting news; A TV program=An educational TV program (这两个也一样), A quiz show, A (foreign) film, An advertisement; A song you love (找前边的音乐会那个; a kind of western music

