
2012-02-03 06:18:17 雅思

  雅思口语考试中关于婚礼Wedding话题经常出现,考官一般会要求你Describe a wedding you attended等等。下面为大家整理了雅思口语考官关于这类话题的具体问题及参考答案,考生可以提前看一下,再根据自己的实际情况来组织新的回答内容和思路。

  遇到这类话题时 You should say:

  - whose wedding it was

  - who was there

  - where it was

  and explain how you felt at this wedding

  Part 3


  Have you ever been to a wedding celebration?

  What happens at a wedding celebration in China?

  Do people eat, drink and dance at wedding celebrations in China?

  Why do many people spend a lot of money on wedding celebrations?

  Why do you think people spend a lot of money on their wedding?

  Which would you prefer, a modern-style wedding or a traditional-style wedding? Why?

  Do you know of any differences between weddings in China and those in the West?


  Ok, well I've actually been to quite a few weddings, because I'm now at the age when a lot of my friends are starting to get married, so it was kind of difficult choosing which one to describe, but I guess probably the easiest for me to talk about would be the most recent one I went to, which was that of a neighbour of mine.

  Also, what I should probably make clear to you first, though, is that weddings here in China tend to just involve the wedding reception, as you may know, without the signing of marriage documents, which is usually done in private several months before the wedding, so it's just the reception which I'm gonna talk about.

  And, as for who was there, well, I couldn't tell you everyone, because there were absolutely loads of people, you know, the hall was pretty packed, so my guess would be that there were probably something like 250 to 300 guests, and if I'm not mistaken, it seemed to be that the majority were friends and relatives of the bride and groom, although I also noticed that they had invited quite a few of their colleagues from work as well, because one of them, who I think was her boss, went up on stage to make a speech at some point.

  Anyway, with regard to where the wedding was held, well, it was actually in a small city called Zhuji, which is about an hour's drive just to the south east of Hangzhou, because that's where the bride comes from, and the reception itself was held in quite a nice-looking hotel, which was easy to spot because it was about 10 times higher than all the buildings around it!

  So regarding how I felt at the wedding, well, to put it simply, it was a really wonderful wedding, and there were some parts of it that moved me quite a lot, such as when the bride broke down in tears when she was on stage thanking her parents for all the support they had given her. It was also really clear to see how much the bride and groom loved each other, as they couldn't take their eyes off each other the whole evening, so I was really happy for them and was glad that I made it to their wedding.

  That's pretty much it, I think, so thanks a lot for listening.








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  雅思口语考试中关于婚礼Wedding话题经常出现,考官一般会要求你Describe a wedding you attended等等。下面为大家整理了雅思口语考官关于这类话题的具体问题及参考答案,考生可以提前看一下,再根据自己的实际情况来组织新的回答内容和思路。

  遇到这类话题时 You should say:

  - whose wedding it was

  - who was there

  - where it was

  and explain how you felt at this wedding

  Part 3


  Have you ever been to a wedding celebration?

  What happens at a wedding celebration in China?

  Do people eat, drink and dance at wedding celebrations in China?

  Why do many people spend a lot of money on wedding celebrations?

  Why do you think people spend a lot of money on their wedding?

  Which would you prefer, a modern-style wedding or a traditional-style wedding? Why?

  Do you know of any differences between weddings in China and those in the West?


  Ok, well I've actually been to quite a few weddings, because I'm now at the age when a lot of my friends are starting to get married, so it was kind of difficult choosing which one to describe, but I guess probably the easiest for me to talk about would be the most recent one I went to, which was that of a neighbour of mine.

  Also, what I should probably make clear to you first, though, is that weddings here in China tend to just involve the wedding reception, as you may know, without the signing of marriage documents, which is usually done in private several months before the wedding, so it's just the reception which I'm gonna talk about.

  And, as for who was there, well, I couldn't tell you everyone, because there were absolutely loads of people, you know, the hall was pretty packed, so my guess would be that there were probably something like 250 to 300 guests, and if I'm not mistaken, it seemed to be that the majority were friends and relatives of the bride and groom, although I also noticed that they had invited quite a few of their colleagues from work as well, because one of them, who I think was her boss, went up on stage to make a speech at some point.

  Anyway, with regard to where the wedding was held, well, it was actually in a small city called Zhuji, which is about an hour's drive just to the south east of Hangzhou, because that's where the bride comes from, and the reception itself was held in quite a nice-looking hotel, which was easy to spot because it was about 10 times higher than all the buildings around it!

  So regarding how I felt at the wedding, well, to put it simply, it was a really wonderful wedding, and there were some parts of it that moved me quite a lot, such as when the bride broke down in tears when she was on stage thanking her parents for all the support they had given her. It was also really clear to see how much the bride and groom loved each other, as they couldn't take their eyes off each other the whole evening, so I was really happy for them and was glad that I made it to their wedding.

  That's pretty much it, I think, so thanks a lot for listening.

