
2012-02-06 16:02:40 雅思口语雅思
本文来自雅思口语网liuxue86.com《雅思口语考试答案样板》。 寒假已过,老夫也略略地闲了几日,再掐指一算,也是该履行许诺之时了,故写出一定样板供雅思考生参考,但决不可不假思索就直接使用,否则后果自负。


May I have your name please?

Of course, you can call me Hope.

Would you please tell me your full name? How can I call you?

Well, my sur name is Lu, and my given name is Yiping, so together it’s Lu Yiping. But I guess it’ll be easier for you to address me by my English name, Hope.

Does your name have any special meaning?

As a matter of fact, I got this name from my grandfather who tragically died a few weeks before I was born. He gave this name to me just as a symbol of my birth date. I was born in February 1981. The first character of my given name Yi, which means ONE, represents the year of my birth; the second character stands for a very special February according to traditional Chinese calendar which is called PING, a second February that occurs every four years.

Let’s talk about what you do. Do you work or you are a student?

Unlike many other candicates who are probably unemployed, I actually have a job. I now work as an English teacher, and teach spoken English courses.

What is your majopr? Why did you choose to study this?

As you can probably guess, I majored in English at a normal school which was a little special for it was not a college.

Do you like your subject? (What is the most interesting thing about your major? What is the best part of your studies? What part of your course do you like best? Which class do you enjoy the most? )

Actually, I suppose that for the most part I’d probably say that I’m fairly keen on my major. But in particular, I’m quite partial to the spoken lessons. This might be because I’m an energetic and talkative person. Another reason I must mention is that I used to have a very good foreign teacher, who’s from Canada and very funny.

Is there anything about your subject you don’t like?

Well, to be honest, I’ll have to say that I sometimes couldn’t stand the intensive reading lessons for the reason that the textbooks were so boring and had nothing communicative. And furthermore, I think the teachers forgot something really important to learners, for example, encouragement or fulfilling students’ psychological needs.

Do many people in China (many Chinese people) choose to study that major?

Well, in actual fact, I guess this has been a very popular major in China. I think in general ideas English is considered to be a very benefitial major that can bring students high salary jobs. But according to what I’ve learned about the latest information concerning English majors’ employment condition, I didn’t smile to it for it’s been too hot and a lot of the students haven’t acquired and practical or surviving skills during college years. What’s more is that their English doesn't speak for itself.








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本文来自雅思口语网liuxue86.com《雅思口语考试答案样板》。 寒假已过,老夫也略略地闲了几日,再掐指一算,也是该履行许诺之时了,故写出一定样板供雅思考生参考,但决不可不假思索就直接使用,否则后果自负。


May I have your name please?

Of course, you can call me Hope.

Would you please tell me your full name? How can I call you?

Well, my sur name is Lu, and my given name is Yiping, so together it’s Lu Yiping. But I guess it’ll be easier for you to address me by my English name, Hope.

Does your name have any special meaning?

As a matter of fact, I got this name from my grandfather who tragically died a few weeks before I was born. He gave this name to me just as a symbol of my birth date. I was born in February 1981. The first character of my given name Yi, which means ONE, represents the year of my birth; the second character stands for a very special February according to traditional Chinese calendar which is called PING, a second February that occurs every four years.

Let’s talk about what you do. Do you work or you are a student?

Unlike many other candicates who are probably unemployed, I actually have a job. I now work as an English teacher, and teach spoken English courses.

What is your majopr? Why did you choose to study this?

As you can probably guess, I majored in English at a normal school which was a little special for it was not a college.

Do you like your subject? (What is the most interesting thing about your major? What is the best part of your studies? What part of your course do you like best? Which class do you enjoy the most? )

Actually, I suppose that for the most part I’d probably say that I’m fairly keen on my major. But in particular, I’m quite partial to the spoken lessons. This might be because I’m an energetic and talkative person. Another reason I must mention is that I used to have a very good foreign teacher, who’s from Canada and very funny.

Is there anything about your subject you don’t like?

Well, to be honest, I’ll have to say that I sometimes couldn’t stand the intensive reading lessons for the reason that the textbooks were so boring and had nothing communicative. And furthermore, I think the teachers forgot something really important to learners, for example, encouragement or fulfilling students’ psychological needs.

Do many people in China (many Chinese people) choose to study that major?

Well, in actual fact, I guess this has been a very popular major in China. I think in general ideas English is considered to be a very benefitial major that can bring students high salary jobs. But according to what I’ve learned about the latest information concerning English majors’ employment condition, I didn’t smile to it for it’s been too hot and a lot of the students haven’t acquired and practical or surviving skills during college years. What’s more is that their English doesn't speak for itself.

