Fail to Answer the Question
Many candidates come to the speaking test with prepared answers. Examiners are aware of this and will ask questions which are similar to frequently asked questions.
Therefore, the prepared answer a candidate has, does not match the question. This gives the examiner a reason to lower the candidates score because there is a phrase in the criteria which deals directly with ‘remembered speech’.
So, candidates should listen to the question carefully, rather than relying on prepared answers. Remember, there is a tape recorder that records everything in the room. This can be used as evidence against a candidate.
If an examiner feels that a candidate may have accidently misinterpreted a question, they will either, repeat the question or advise the candidate that they have not answered the asked question.
If a candidate continues to answer questions with prepared answers, the examiner will deem that the candidate is using prepared answers. As an experienced examiner, it is quite easy to differentiate between a remembered answer and an answer which has been devised in a matter of seconds.
其实雅思考官最为痛恨及痛斥的就是这“第三宗罪”— 答非所问,因为考生在这里表现出的“罪行”是背答案 — 背事先精心准备好的现成答案。富有经验的考官可以在你开始说话的前3-5秒钟,一下子判断出你是否在背答案。为什么会这么快就下判断呢?因为这是雅思考官培训过程中的一大重要环节。因此朗阁海外考试研究中心在此规劝广大“烤鸭”,千万不要背答案,即使是再愚蠢的考官也可以迅速知道你的“罪行”。
举例来说,我们平时可能会准备这个问题:How can the government encourage more people to use public transport? 并且把政府如何鼓励人们使用共同交通的具体措施背得滚瓜烂熟。可一旦上了考场,考官却会问:How can we improve people’s awareness of using public transport? 如果你不假思索、不去仔细听问题、不加以具体分析和辨别,而用事先准备好的答案来回答,你无异于踩上了一颗精心炮制出来的“地雷”!
你的这一行为对于考官来说,就等于向他提供了“犯罪证据”,因为在他的评分标准里面,就分明有一条是来对付“remembered speech”。换言之,你背答案的“罪行”恰好赠送了考官给你降分的理由。而更为可怕的是,现场的录音装置会把你背答案的每个细节一字不差地记录下来,可谓“人证物证俱在,犯罪事实清楚”,结局可想而知!
作为一项非常人性化的考试,雅思考官如果发现你不小心误解了问题,他会采取两种方法来帮助你:一是把问题原封不动地再说一遍,这是在提醒你 – 你可能在答非所问;二是直截了当地告诉考生 – You are not answering the question. 如果考生无视考官的提醒及警示,继续坚持答非所问的话,考官就会十分肯定你是在背答案。
How should parents encourage their children to help others?
When it comes to encouraging children to help others, many parents in the West have set a good example for us. They are very supportive when their kids take part in voluntary activities and community services. Yet in China, where the society gets more and more competitive, parents would tell their children to take care of their own business only.
Parents in the West; set a good example
Be supportive; take part in voluntary activities and community services
China’s competitive society; tell children to take care of their own business