去澳洲留学 应避开硕士高雅思要求
2012-04-28 16:31:23 雅思
近期,澳大利亚大学的教学硕士——Master of Teaching的以下两个方向,在众多职业中脱颖而出,成为咨询热门。
Master of Teaching(Earlychild Education)早教教师
Master of Teaching(Secondary Education)中学教师
Master of Teaching(Earlychild Education)早教教师
A recognized three-year Bachelor degree AND meet IELTS requirements IELTS 7 with 6.5 in individual band.
Master of Teaching(Earlychild Education)中学教师
A recognized three-year Bachelor degree,in addition, students must meet the prerequistites for the major learning area in which they intend to specialise