2012-05-05 08:19:42
1. 根据文章结构做Heading
由于雅思(A类)阅读以说明文和议论文为主,所以决定了文章的写作模式比较固定。通常会在文章的开头引出主题或提出论点,然后在中间段落进行实证或逻辑分析(按照时间推进,或者并列、递进等),在文章最后进行结论,或者提出对未来的展望。因此如果我们对文章的开头结尾段常用词汇熟悉,有的时候可以事半功倍。比如在The Impact of Wilderness Tourism 一文中:
Section A选iii(Fragile regions and the reasons for the expansion of tourism there)
Section B选V (disruptive effects)
Section C(论述应对措施)选ii (how … balance )
如果考生能及时发现备选项中的reason/ effects/ how…balance等词语就可以迅速定位各段的标题,而不需要深入每一段中细读。由此我们可以对文章每一部分常用词语做如下归纳:
若标题中出现 concept,explanation,definition,background,what is …problem等词,一般对应文章前面部分。
若标题中出现 summary, conclusion, results, effect, impact, consequence …等词,一般对应文章后面部分。
表对比比较的词 compare,contrast,similar等;
表数据的词 data, statistics, census, figure, number等;
表百分比的词 rate, percentage, proportion等;
表金钱的词 cost, expense, budget等;
表假设的词 hypothesis, assumption 等;… …
2. 表转折总结等的关键词
当然很多时候备选项中并没有上面所说的关键字,我们则需要根据作者写作的逻辑关系来做题。其中又以表示转折和总结的关系词最为重要。因为如果转折词一出现,表明作者有新的内容提出来。关于but, however, although, even though, nevertheless/ despite the fact ….
As a result/as a consequence 、Sb.+ vt. (show/ suggest)…
There is a widespread (陷阱词)belief that increasing wealth encourages people to live farther out where cars are the only viable transport. The example of European cities refutes(转折词) that. They are often wealthier than their American counterparts but have not generated the same level of car use. In Stockholm car use has actually fallen in recent years as the city has become larger and wealthier…
这段文字中,widespread就是一个陷阱词,它的后面出现了一个转折词refute, 但是由于refute 这个词语有的考生不认识,或者因为没有明显的转折的关系词而被忽略。另外常出现的陷阱词还有:
A. assume /assumption/ a widely held view/ (在段首时要引起注意,很可能是作者要驳斥的观点,要看作者是否同意之前的假定) 看后面有无转折词
B. Studies of… used to be based on archaeological and fossil evidence…..。A number of techniques ….since….,however, have….
C. It was once assumed that….
3. 通过抓主干快速做题
虽然有很多人,都在告诉考生雅思的主题句50%出现在段首,20%出现在第二句,20%出现在段尾。但是极个别情况下,此方法并不适用,如果一个段落中,段首段尾句和第二句都不能定位到Heading, 有没有明显的转折总结关系词,那么只能快速通读全文。比如:
A few months ago Kim Schaefer, sales representative of a major global pharmaceutical company, waked into a medical center in New York to bring information and free samples of her company’s latest products. That day she was lucky – a doctor was available to see her. The last rep offered me a trip to Florida. What do you have? The physician asked. He was only half joking.
在本段中,如果只读首尾句,是不可能得出文章的概要的。其关键部分恰恰在于倒数第2、3、4 句。所以这个时候就需要考生在平时就练就一个好的基本功---抓主干。只有这样才能遇事不慌,沉着应战。