Ⅰ. Introduction (Paraphrase the Words on the Graphic Material)
* Pattern One (Without the Summary of the Trend)
1. This diagram unfolds a clear comparison between Florida, a state of the United States, and the United States as a whole in four aspects, namely, registered engineers, the civilian labor force, manufacturing employment and hi-tech employment, from 1978 to 1987.
2. There were many significant changes in modes of transport used by city dwellers from 1950 to 1990. The following paragraphs will identify and discuss the trends in the accompanying graph.
3. The chart below displays the average earnings per week, in pounds sterling, of people of different levels of education living in the UK between the years 1965 and 1995.
4. The chart indicates the subjects studied by university students in Australia during the latter of last century.
5. The chart shows the number of road accidents in Britain over a period of six years.
6. The line graph reveals the amount of fast food consumed by Australian teenagers over a 25-year period between 1975 and 2000.
7. The bar chart illustrates the percentage of employees in different occupations absent from work in a given week in 2001.
8. Indicators of economic and social conditions in four countries, Canada, Japan, Peru and Zaire, in 1994, compiled by the UN, reflect the great differences that exist between wealthier and poorer nations.
* Pattern Two (With the Summary of the Trend)
9. The graph compares the rate of smoking in men and women in Erewhon between the years 1960 and 1995. It can be clearly seen that the rate of smoking for both men and women is currently declining and that fewer women have smoked throughout the period.
10. The graphs compare the number of deaths caused by six diseases in Erewhom in 1990 with the amount of research funding allocated to each of those diseases. It can be clearly seen that the amount of research funding in many cases did not correlate with the seriousness of the disease in terms of numbers of deaths.
11. The three graphs provide an overview of the types of music people purchase in the UK. At first glance, we see that classical music is far less popular than pop or rock music.