Dear University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations,
I am writing to ask about your marking criteria on the True/False/Not Given or Yes/No/Not Given questions in the reading test. If a candidate answers True/False/Not Given when the test requires one to write Yes/No/Not Given, will the marks be reduced?
简译:向您致函咨询雅思阅读中True/False/Not Given or Yes/No/Not Given的给分问题。假如题目要求用Yes/No/Not Given作答而考生写的是True/False/Not Given,会扣分么?
Or, the candidate simplifies the answers into T/F/NG or Y/N/NG, will the marks be obtained as well?
简译:抑或,考生将答案简写为T/F/NG 或 Y/N/NG,还可以得分不?
Any of your replies will be highly appreciated! Thanks!
Best regards,
Erica Lu Yunyi
Dear Erica
Thank you for your email.
I can confirm that both forms of answer you refer to are acceptable.
Kind regards
Saul Carey
ESOL Helpdesk
Cambridge ESOL Customer Services