文章:it is clear from the statement that the creation of health is more significant than encouraging healthy individual behaviors and lifestyles and providing appropriate medical care.
题目:the socio-ecological view of health recognizes that lifestyle habits and the provision of adequate health care are critical factors governing health.
从题目和文章中可以发现,出题者一直在做变脸的工作。他把文章中的providing 变成了provision,把medical care 小变成了health care.
文章:if the function of play was to get into shape, the optimum time for playing would depend on when it was most advantageous for the young of a particular species to do so.加入收藏
题目:play is not a form of fitness training for the future.
这道题目中的变脸方式比较的不讲人情味。出题者看来是不了解中国的国情。不知道,中国学生从小到大背fit这个单词的时候,都是适合的意思,因此,大多数学生会据此推断fitness是适应的名词。哪里晓得居然是健身的意思。从get into shape 到fitness算是一次变脸的尝试。
文章:inside the academies, science takes centre stage. The AIS employs more than 100 sports scientists and doctors, and collaborates with scores of others in universities and research centers. AIS scientists work across a number of sports, applying skills learned in one- such as building muscle strength in golfers- to others, such as swimming and squash. They are backed up by technicians who design instruments to collect data from athletes. They all focus on one aim: winning. ‘We can’t waste our time looking at ethereal scientific questions that don’t help the coach work with an athlete and improve performance,’ says Peter Fricker, chief of science at AIS.
题目:a reason for narrowing the scope of research activity.
文章和题目简直就是大变脸!题目中的reason文章中只字未提但却把变脸的那根丝线隐藏的很深。就是那句 they all focus on one aim: winning. 一切尽在不言中。出题者把中国国粹演绎的如此精确,实乃妙哉!