2012-09-05 20:05:35 法来
怎么解决呢?我们来看判断题的出题思路。题干与原文一致(包括从原文可以推论出题干)就是TRUE,题干与原文相矛盾就是FALSE。打个比方, 如果题干是正确的话,题干就是原文的双胞胎,是同一个模子里面扣出来的。那么,FALSE的题干就相当于原文在镜子中的样子,左右是完全相反的。这就是我们镜像法做题的出发点。简单来讲,我们拿到一个题目,就直接将它假设为正确的,也就是把它当作原样。同时再思考一下题干的逆命题,也就是与题干左右相反的镜像。然后回原文中带着题干的原样和镜像一起去找。找到原样的话,那么这个题干就是正确的;如果找到的是镜像,那么这个题干就是错误的。如果原样和镜像都找不到的话,那么这个题目就是NG。这样子我们就可以有效地将烦人的NG情况绕过去。
Cambridge IELTS 6 Academic Test 1 Reading Passage 2
18. International trade is increasing at a greater rate than the world economy.
镜像:International trade is NOT increasing at a greater rate than the world.
题干原样是说 International trade 增长的比world economy快。
它的镜像就是International trade增长的不比world economy快。
原文:While the global economy has been expanding at a bit over 3% a year, the volume of trade has been rising at a compound annual rate of about twice that.
19.Cheap labour guarantees effective trade conditions.
镜像:Cheap labour does not guarantee effective trade onditions.
题干原样是说cheap labour可以保证effective trade conditions.
它的镜像就是cheap labour 不能保证effective trade conditions.
原文:Cheap labour may make Chinese clothing competitive in America, but if delays in shipment tie up working capital and cause winter coats to arrive in spring, trade may lose its advantage.
原文写的是cheap labour有可能让中国的衣服有竞争力,但是也有可能最终失去优势。所以就是cheaper labour不能保证effective trade conditions,所以出现的是题干的镜像,所以是错误。
20.Japan imports more meat and steel than France.
镜像:Japan does not import more meat and steel than France.
原文:At the turn of the 20th century, agriculture and manufacturing were the two most important sectors almost everywhere, accounting for about 70% of total output in Germany, Italy and France, and 40-50% in America, Britain and Japan.
21.Most countries continue to prefer to trade with nearby nations.
镜像:Most countries do not continue to prefer to trade with nearby nations.
题干原样说是大部分国家继续偏好trade with nearby nations.
它的镜像就是大部分国家不继续偏好trade with nearby nations.
原文:Countries still trade disproportionately with their geographic neighbours.
原文写的是国家依然继续trade with neighbours. 所以出现的是原样,所以是正确。
22.Small computer components are manufacture in Germany.
镜像:Small computer components are not manufactured in Germany.
题干原样说small computer components是在德国生产。
它的镜像就是small computer components不是在德国生产。
原文:Most of the world's disk-drive manufacturing is concentrated in South-Asia.
从上面的例子中我们看到,镜像只是简单、单纯的将题干加上否定。所以"增长的比international trade快"的镜像是"增长的不比international trade快",而不是"增长的比international trade慢"。这样子我们就可以比较单纯的解决阅读的判断题。题目越难,这个方法的效果就越明显。大家可以尝试。