
2013-01-07 15:09:07 雅思参考


听力词汇« List 41.       fire /'faiə/ extinguisher /iks'tiŋgwiʃə/  n. 灭火器2.       container/kən'teinə/  n. 容器3.       pin /pin/  n. 别针,钉,插头,保险栓4.  attach /ə'tætʃ/  v.贴上,附上,系上5.       lever /'lev/   n. 杠杆6.       flask /flæsk/   n. 瓶子,长颈瓶   同义词bottle /'bɔtl/7.  handle/'hændl/  n. 手柄,把手8.       jet /dʒet/  n. 喷气式飞机,喷嘴,喷射流9.       spring /spriŋ/  n.弹簧10.   tube /tju:b/  n.管道11. safety /'seifti/ pin  n. 安全别针12. press /pres/ v.按压13. release/ri'li:s/  v.释放14.   emit /i'mit/ v.发出,射出,散发15.   round/raund/  adj.圆的

16.   oval/'əuvəl/ adj.椭圆形的

17.   rectangular/rek'tæŋgjulə/ adj.矩形的

18.   circular/'sə:kjulə/ adj.圆形的        

19.   spherical/'sferikəl/ adj.球面的, 球状的

20.   cylindrical/si'lindrikl/ adj. 圆柱形的  

21.   triangular/trai'æŋgjulə/ adj.三角形的   

22.   curved/kə:vd/ adj.弯曲的

23.   colored/'kʌləd/ adj.彩色的

24.   striped/straipt/ adj.条纹的

25.   spotted/'spɔtid/ adj. 带点的

26.   sharp/ʃɑ:p/ adj. 明显的

27.   wooden/'wudn/ adj.木制的         

28. paper/'peipə/ adj. 纸制的

29.   leather/'leðə/ adj. 皮革制的        

30.   rubber /'rʌbə/ adj.橡胶的

31.   metal /'metl/ n. 金属  

32.   glass /glɑ:s/ n. 玻璃  

33. plastic/'plæstik/  n./adj. 塑料,塑料的

34.   brick/brik/ n. 砖   

35.   woolen /'wulin/ n. 毛制品,羊毛的   

36.   stone/stəun/ n./adj. 石头,石制的



long – extended  长的

give off --- emit  发出,散出

be filled with --- be full of 充满


口语词汇« List 4

1.         thought-provoking /'θɔ:tprə,vəukiŋ/  adj. 发人深省的

例句:What he said is thought-provoking.

2.         witty /'witi/  adj. 诙谐的,富于机智的

例句:My father is the most witty person at home.

3.         element/'elimənt/ n. 元素,成分,原理,自然环境

例句:Water is the most vital element.

4.         slow /sləu/adj. 慢的,减速的,迟钝的

例句:He is very slow in maths classes.

5.         quick /kwik/ n.核心adj. 快的,敏捷的

例句:He is quick in speaking English.

6.         light /'lait/  adj. 轻的,容易的,光亮的

例句#FormatImgID_0#ight music is my cup of tea.

7.         melodious /mi'ləudjəs/  adj. 悦耳的,旋律优美的

例句:Her melodious voice makes me happy.

8.         encouraging /in'kʌridʒiŋ/  adj. 令人鼓舞的,鼓励的,奖励的

例句:Her words are encouraging for me .

9.         popular /'pɔpjulə/  adj. 流行的,通俗的,大众的,受欢迎的,

例句#FormatImgID_1#ants are very popular in China .

10.     mainstream /'meinstri:m/  n. 主流

例句:Tea becomes the mainstream in china .

11.     time-honored /'taim,ɔnəd/  adj. 历史悠久的,因古老而受到尊重的

例句:China is a time-honored country.

12.     excited /ik'saitid/  adj. 兴奋的,活跃的

例句:I feel excited after I finish this film.

13.     adventurous /əd'ventʃərəs/  adj. 爱冒险的,大胆的,充满危险的

例句:What he did is very adventurous.

14.     clear /kliə/  adj. 清楚的,清澈的,晴朗的,无罪的

例句:He is very clear about what you said.

15.     realistic /,riə'listik, ,ri:-/  adj. 现实的,现实主义的,逼真的,实在论的

例句:I do not think he is realistic.

16.     blurry /'blə:ri/  adj. 模糊的,污脏的,不清楚的

例句:I do not know your blurry answer.

17.     objective /əb'dʒektiv, ɔb-/  adj. 客观的,目标的,宾格的

例句:Males always do objective shopping.

18.     abundant /ə'bʌndənt/  adj. 丰富的,充裕的,盛产

例句:Tianjin city is abundant for the seafood.

19.     informative /in'fɔ:mətiv/  adj. 教育性的,有益的,情报的,见闻广博的

例句:Informative messages are always popular.

20.     witty /'witi/  adj. 诙谐的,富于机智的

例句:He is not that witty as you thought.

21.     isochronous /ai'sɔkrənəs/  adj. // 等时的,等步的

例句:Her change is isochronous.

22.     gossipy /'ɡɔsipi/  adj. 漫谈式的,喜饶舌的

例句:My teammate is gossipy.

23.     sensational /sen'seiʃənəl/  adj. 轰动的,使人感动的,非常好的,耸人听闻的

例句:What he said is sensational.

24.     accessible /ək'sesəbl/  adj. 可进入的,易接近的,可理解的

例句:English is an accessible language in the world.

25.     on-air=live broadcast /'brɔ:dkɑ:st, -kæst/  adj. 广播的

例句:That program is on-air.

26.     update /ʌp'deit, 'ʌpdeit/  vt. 更新,校正,使现代化

例句:We need to update our books every month.

27.     deserted /di'zə:tid/  adj. 荒芜的,被遗弃的

例句:Gansu province is a deserted area in china.

28.     alluring /'ə'ljuəriŋ/  adj. 迷人的,吸引人的,诱惑的

例句:Her alluring orders make me puzzled.

29.     spectacular /spek'tækjulə/  adj. 壮观的,惊人的,公开展示的

例句:I was amazed by the spectacular outlook.

30.     soothing /'su:ðiŋ/  adj. 使人宽心的,抚慰的

例句:Her soothing answers make me calm down.

31.     secluded /si'klu:did/  adj. 隐退的,隐居的,隐蔽的

例句:My daddy used to live in a secluded house.

32.     refreshing /ri'freʃiŋ, ri:-/  adj. 提神的,使清爽的

例句:That smell is very refreshing.

33.     delightful /di'laitful/ adj. 令人愉快的,可爱的,可喜的

例句:I am shocked by the delightful sceneries.

34.     charming /'tʃɑ:miŋ/  adj. 迷人的,可爱的

例句:I like your charming smile on your face.

35.     attractive /ə'træktiv/  adj. 吸引人的,有魅力的,引人注目的

例句:He has got an attractive shape.

36.     technique /tek'ni:k/  n. 技巧,技术,手法

例句:Science and technique skills are very vital.

37.     symmetrical /si'metrikəl/  adj. 匀称的,对称的

例句:Chinese knots are very symmetrical.

38.     well-balanced /'bæləns/  vt. 使平衡,结算,使相称

例句:His income is well-balanced.

39.     hand-made/meid/   v. 做,使,安排(make的过去式和过去分词)

例句:Hand-made gifts are more sweet.

40.     original /ə'ridʒənəl/  adj. 原始的,最初的,新颖的,独创的

例句:Where is the original copy?

41.     time-consuming /kən'sju:miŋ/ adj. 强烈的,消费的

例句#FormatImgID_2#oing a massage is time-consuming.

42.     ingenious /in'dʒi:njəs/  adj. 心灵手巧的,有独创性的,机灵的,

例句:The great four inventions in china is very ingenious.

43.     creative /kri'eitiv/  adj. 创造性的

例句:Chinese students lack of creative thinking.

44.     auspicious /ɔ:'spiʃəs/  adj. 吉兆的,吉利的,幸运的

例句#FormatImgID_3#eople would like to choose an auspcious day to get married.

45.     incredible / in'kredəbəl/  adj. 难以置信的

例句: The performance of the singer that night was incredible.

46.     constant  /'kɔnstənt/  adj.连续的,持续的

例句:I felt the constant development of my living place.

47.     excellent  /'eksələnt/  adj. 非常棒的

例句:The atmosphere of the concert was excellent.

48.     brilliant  /'briljənt/  adj. 精彩的

例句:He has got brilliant achievements in his career.

49.     remarkable / ri'mɑ:kəbl / adj. 非凡的

例句:The book is filled with remarkable insights.

50.     gorgeous /'gɔ:dʒəs/ 华丽的,极好的

例句:The gorgeous costume added to the attraction of the singer.

51.     splendid  /'splendid/  adj.辉煌的,灿烂的,杰出的

例句:Playing table-tennis is a splendid sport.

52.     outstanding  /aut'stændiŋ/  adj.杰出的, n.未偿贷款

例句:He was an outstanding student.

53.     exceptional  / ik'sepʃənəl/  adj. 异常的,例外的 n.超常的学生

例句:Forestry has advanced with exceptional speed.  

54.     extraordinary/ik'strɔ:dən.eri/  adj.非凡的,特别的,临时的

例句:He has an extraordinary memory.

55.     fabulous /'fæbjuləs, 'fæbjələs/ adj. 难以置信的,传说中的

例句:I must go to taste your fabulous cooking.

56.     marvelous / 'mɑ:vələs/ 了不起的,非凡的

例句:It was a marvelous night hanging out with friends.

57.     all-important /'ɔ:lim'pɔ:tənt/  adj. 重要的

例句:Drinking plenty of water is important.

58.     significant /sig'nifikənt/ adj.  重要的

例句:The issue under discussion is significant.

59.     crucial /'kru:ʃəl/  adj.  决定性的, 关键的

例句:Her work has been crucial to the project's success.

60.     eventful /i'ventfəl/  adj. 重要的

例句:We had an eventful conversation.

61.     essential /i'senʃəl/  adj. 重要的

例句:Her most essential quality is kindness.

62.     paramount /'pærəmaunt/  adj.  极为重要的

例句:This matter is of paramount importance.

63.     momentous /məu'mentəs/  adj.  重要的

例句:I have some momentous news to tell you.

64.     grand /grand/  adj.  重大的

例句:This is a grand occasion. 这是个盛大的场面。

65.     lashings of /'læʃiŋz;  ɔv/  adj. 多的

例句:We prepared lashings of food for the party.

66.     countless /'kauntlis/  adj.  无数的

例句:In my hometown, there are countless stars in the sky.

67.     numerous /'nju:mərəs/  adj.  为数众多的

例句:There are numerous books to choose from in the library.

68.     timorous /`timərəs/  adj. 胆小,腼腆的

例句:She is as timorous as a rabbit .

69.     tiring/`taiəriŋ/ adj. 疲劳的,累人的

例句: Manual work is very tiring.  

70.     tolerant  /`tɒlərənt/   adj. 容忍的,宽容的

例句:He is be tolerant of others' faults



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听力词汇« List 41.       fire /'faiə/ extinguisher /iks'tiŋgwiʃə/  n. 灭火器2.       container/kən'teinə/  n. 容器3.       pin /pin/  n. 别针,钉,插头,保险栓4.  attach /ə'tætʃ/  v.贴上,附上,系上5.       lever /'lev/   n. 杠杆6.       flask /flæsk/   n. 瓶子,长颈瓶   同义词bottle /'bɔtl/7.  handle/'hændl/  n. 手柄,把手8.       jet /dʒet/  n. 喷气式飞机,喷嘴,喷射流9.       spring /spriŋ/  n.弹簧10.   tube /tju:b/  n.管道11. safety /'seifti/ pin  n. 安全别针12. press /pres/ v.按压13. release/ri'li:s/  v.释放14.   emit /i'mit/ v.发出,射出,散发15.   round/raund/  adj.圆的

16.   oval/'əuvəl/ adj.椭圆形的

17.   rectangular/rek'tæŋgjulə/ adj.矩形的

18.   circular/'sə:kjulə/ adj.圆形的        

19.   spherical/'sferikəl/ adj.球面的, 球状的

20.   cylindrical/si'lindrikl/ adj. 圆柱形的  

21.   triangular/trai'æŋgjulə/ adj.三角形的   

22.   curved/kə:vd/ adj.弯曲的

23.   colored/'kʌləd/ adj.彩色的

24.   striped/straipt/ adj.条纹的

25.   spotted/'spɔtid/ adj. 带点的

26.   sharp/ʃɑ:p/ adj. 明显的

27.   wooden/'wudn/ adj.木制的         

28. paper/'peipə/ adj. 纸制的

29.   leather/'leðə/ adj. 皮革制的        

30.   rubber /'rʌbə/ adj.橡胶的

31.   metal /'metl/ n. 金属  

32.   glass /glɑ:s/ n. 玻璃  

33. plastic/'plæstik/  n./adj. 塑料,塑料的

34.   brick/brik/ n. 砖   

35.   woolen /'wulin/ n. 毛制品,羊毛的   

36.   stone/stəun/ n./adj. 石头,石制的



long – extended  长的

give off --- emit  发出,散出

be filled with --- be full of 充满


口语词汇« List 4

1.         thought-provoking /'θɔ:tprə,vəukiŋ/  adj. 发人深省的

例句:What he said is thought-provoking.

2.         witty /'witi/  adj. 诙谐的,富于机智的

例句:My father is the most witty person at home.

3.         element/'elimənt/ n. 元素,成分,原理,自然环境

例句:Water is the most vital element.

4.         slow /sləu/adj. 慢的,减速的,迟钝的

例句:He is very slow in maths classes.

5.         quick /kwik/ n.核心adj. 快的,敏捷的

例句:He is quick in speaking English.

6.         light /'lait/  adj. 轻的,容易的,光亮的

例句#FormatImgID_0#ight music is my cup of tea.

7.         melodious /mi'ləudjəs/  adj. 悦耳的,旋律优美的

例句:Her melodious voice makes me happy.

8.         encouraging /in'kʌridʒiŋ/  adj. 令人鼓舞的,鼓励的,奖励的

例句:Her words are encouraging for me .

9.         popular /'pɔpjulə/  adj. 流行的,通俗的,大众的,受欢迎的,

例句#FormatImgID_1#ants are very popular in China .

10.     mainstream /'meinstri:m/  n. 主流

例句:Tea becomes the mainstream in china .

11.     time-honored /'taim,ɔnəd/  adj. 历史悠久的,因古老而受到尊重的

例句:China is a time-honored country.

12.     excited /ik'saitid/  adj. 兴奋的,活跃的

例句:I feel excited after I finish this film.

13.     adventurous /əd'ventʃərəs/  adj. 爱冒险的,大胆的,充满危险的

例句:What he did is very adventurous.

14.     clear /kliə/  adj. 清楚的,清澈的,晴朗的,无罪的

例句:He is very clear about what you said.

15.     realistic /,riə'listik, ,ri:-/  adj. 现实的,现实主义的,逼真的,实在论的

例句:I do not think he is realistic.

16.     blurry /'blə:ri/  adj. 模糊的,污脏的,不清楚的

例句:I do not know your blurry answer.

17.     objective /əb'dʒektiv, ɔb-/  adj. 客观的,目标的,宾格的

例句:Males always do objective shopping.

18.     abundant /ə'bʌndənt/  adj. 丰富的,充裕的,盛产

例句:Tianjin city is abundant for the seafood.

19.     informative /in'fɔ:mətiv/  adj. 教育性的,有益的,情报的,见闻广博的

例句:Informative messages are always popular.

20.     witty /'witi/  adj. 诙谐的,富于机智的

例句:He is not that witty as you thought.

21.     isochronous /ai'sɔkrənəs/  adj. // 等时的,等步的

例句:Her change is isochronous.

22.     gossipy /'ɡɔsipi/  adj. 漫谈式的,喜饶舌的

例句:My teammate is gossipy.

23.     sensational /sen'seiʃənəl/  adj. 轰动的,使人感动的,非常好的,耸人听闻的

例句:What he said is sensational.

24.     accessible /ək'sesəbl/  adj. 可进入的,易接近的,可理解的

例句:English is an accessible language in the world.

25.     on-air=live broadcast /'brɔ:dkɑ:st, -kæst/  adj. 广播的

例句:That program is on-air.

26.     update /ʌp'deit, 'ʌpdeit/  vt. 更新,校正,使现代化

例句:We need to update our books every month.

27.     deserted /di'zə:tid/  adj. 荒芜的,被遗弃的

例句:Gansu province is a deserted area in china.

28.     alluring /'ə'ljuəriŋ/  adj. 迷人的,吸引人的,诱惑的

例句:Her alluring orders make me puzzled.

29.     spectacular /spek'tækjulə/  adj. 壮观的,惊人的,公开展示的

例句:I was amazed by the spectacular outlook.

30.     soothing /'su:ðiŋ/  adj. 使人宽心的,抚慰的

例句:Her soothing answers make me calm down.

31.     secluded /si'klu:did/  adj. 隐退的,隐居的,隐蔽的

例句:My daddy used to live in a secluded house.

32.     refreshing /ri'freʃiŋ, ri:-/  adj. 提神的,使清爽的

例句:That smell is very refreshing.

33.     delightful /di'laitful/ adj. 令人愉快的,可爱的,可喜的

例句:I am shocked by the delightful sceneries.

34.     charming /'tʃɑ:miŋ/  adj. 迷人的,可爱的

例句:I like your charming smile on your face.

35.     attractive /ə'træktiv/  adj. 吸引人的,有魅力的,引人注目的

例句:He has got an attractive shape.

36.     technique /tek'ni:k/  n. 技巧,技术,手法

例句:Science and technique skills are very vital.

37.     symmetrical /si'metrikəl/  adj. 匀称的,对称的

例句:Chinese knots are very symmetrical.

38.     well-balanced /'bæləns/  vt. 使平衡,结算,使相称

例句:His income is well-balanced.

39.     hand-made/meid/   v. 做,使,安排(make的过去式和过去分词)

例句:Hand-made gifts are more sweet.

40.     original /ə'ridʒənəl/  adj. 原始的,最初的,新颖的,独创的

例句:Where is the original copy?

41.     time-consuming /kən'sju:miŋ/ adj. 强烈的,消费的

例句#FormatImgID_2#oing a massage is time-consuming.

42.     ingenious /in'dʒi:njəs/  adj. 心灵手巧的,有独创性的,机灵的,

例句:The great four inventions in china is very ingenious.

43.     creative /kri'eitiv/  adj. 创造性的

例句:Chinese students lack of creative thinking.

44.     auspicious /ɔ:'spiʃəs/  adj. 吉兆的,吉利的,幸运的

例句#FormatImgID_3#eople would like to choose an auspcious day to get married.

45.     incredible / in'kredəbəl/  adj. 难以置信的

例句: The performance of the singer that night was incredible.

46.     constant  /'kɔnstənt/  adj.连续的,持续的

例句:I felt the constant development of my living place.

47.     excellent  /'eksələnt/  adj. 非常棒的

例句:The atmosphere of the concert was excellent.

48.     brilliant  /'briljənt/  adj. 精彩的

例句:He has got brilliant achievements in his career.

49.     remarkable / ri'mɑ:kəbl / adj. 非凡的

例句:The book is filled with remarkable insights.

50.     gorgeous /'gɔ:dʒəs/ 华丽的,极好的

例句:The gorgeous costume added to the attraction of the singer.

51.     splendid  /'splendid/  adj.辉煌的,灿烂的,杰出的

例句:Playing table-tennis is a splendid sport.

52.     outstanding  /aut'stændiŋ/  adj.杰出的, n.未偿贷款

例句:He was an outstanding student.

53.     exceptional  / ik'sepʃənəl/  adj. 异常的,例外的 n.超常的学生

例句:Forestry has advanced with exceptional speed.  

54.     extraordinary/ik'strɔ:dən.eri/  adj.非凡的,特别的,临时的

例句:He has an extraordinary memory.

55.     fabulous /'fæbjuləs, 'fæbjələs/ adj. 难以置信的,传说中的

例句:I must go to taste your fabulous cooking.

56.     marvelous / 'mɑ:vələs/ 了不起的,非凡的

例句:It was a marvelous night hanging out with friends.

57.     all-important /'ɔ:lim'pɔ:tənt/  adj. 重要的

例句:Drinking plenty of water is important.

58.     significant /sig'nifikənt/ adj.  重要的

例句:The issue under discussion is significant.

59.     crucial /'kru:ʃəl/  adj.  决定性的, 关键的

例句:Her work has been crucial to the project's success.

60.     eventful /i'ventfəl/  adj. 重要的

例句:We had an eventful conversation.

61.     essential /i'senʃəl/  adj. 重要的

例句:Her most essential quality is kindness.

62.     paramount /'pærəmaunt/  adj.  极为重要的

例句:This matter is of paramount importance.

63.     momentous /məu'mentəs/  adj.  重要的

例句:I have some momentous news to tell you.

64.     grand /grand/  adj.  重大的

例句:This is a grand occasion. 这是个盛大的场面。

65.     lashings of /'læʃiŋz;  ɔv/  adj. 多的

例句:We prepared lashings of food for the party.

66.     countless /'kauntlis/  adj.  无数的

例句:In my hometown, there are countless stars in the sky.

67.     numerous /'nju:mərəs/  adj.  为数众多的

例句:There are numerous books to choose from in the library.

68.     timorous /`timərəs/  adj. 胆小,腼腆的

例句:She is as timorous as a rabbit .

69.     tiring/`taiəriŋ/ adj. 疲劳的,累人的

例句: Manual work is very tiring.  

70.     tolerant  /`tɒlərənt/   adj. 容忍的,宽容的

例句:He is be tolerant of others' faults
