
2013-01-07 15:13:09 雅思参考


阅读词汇« List 6

1.         abstract /'æbstrækt/  adj.抽象的  n.摘要

例句:Truth and beauty are abstract concepts.

2.         accurate /'ækjurit/  adj.准确的, 精确的

例句:The figures they have used are just not accurate.

3.         acknowledge /ək'nɔlidʒ/   vt.承认, 公认

例句:You must acknowledge the truth of her argument.

4.         aggregate /'ægrigeit,'ægrigit/   adj.合计的, 总的  n.总计v.聚集, 总计

例句:They purchased an aggregate of 3000 shares in the company.

5.         allocation /,ælə'keiʃən/   n.分配, 配置

例句:It is not the job of the investigating committee to allocate blame for the disaster/to allocate blame to individuals.

6.         assign /ə'sain/   vt.分配,指派

例句:The case has been assigned to our most senior officer.

7.         attach  /ə'tætʃ/   v.附上, 系上, 贴上

例句:I attached a photo to my application form.

8.         author /'ɔ:θə/   n.作家, 作者  vt.编写, 创作

例句:He is the author of two books on French history.

9.         bond  /bɔnd/   n.债券, 结合,联系  vt.使结合

例句:There has been a close bond between them ever since she saved him from drowning.

10.     brief  /bri:f/  adj.短暂的, 简短的  n.摘要  vt.简单介绍

例句:I had a brief look at her report before the meeting.

11.     capable /'keipəbl/  adj.有能力的, 能干的

例句:We need to get an assistant who's capable and efficient.

12.     cite /sait/  vt.引用

例句:She cited three reasons why people get into debt.

13.     cooperate /kəu'ɔpəreit/   vi.合作, 协力, 配合

例句:I find it very hard to dress my two-year-old when she refuses to cooperate.

14.     discriminate  /di'skrimineit/   v.区分, 区别对待

例句:She felt she had been discriminated against because of her age.

15.     display  /di'splei/  n.显示, 陈列   vt.显示, 表现

例句:Family photographs were displayed on the wall.

16.     diversity /dai'və:siti/   n.多样性, 差异

例句:There is a wide diversity of opinion on the question of unilateral disarmament.

17.     domain /də'mein/   n.领地, 领域, 范围

例句:She treated the business as her private domain.

18.     edition /i'diʃən/  n.版, 版本

例句:The regional editions of the paper contain specific information for that area.

19.     enhance /in'hɑ:ns/   vt.提高, 增加, 加强

例句:These scandals will not enhance the organization's reputation.

20.     estate /is'teit/   n.财产, 房地产

例句:It's a typical country estate with a large house for the owner, farm buildings and estate workers' houses.

21.     exceed /ik'si:d/   vt.超过, 超出   vi.领先

例句:The final cost should not exceed $5000.

22.     expert /'ekspə:t/   n.专家, 能手 adj.熟练的, 内行的

例句:The centre provides expert advice for people with financial problems.

23.     explicit /iks'plisit/   adj.明确的, 清晰的

例句:I gave her very explicit directions how to get here.

24.     federal /'fedərəl/   adj.联邦制的, 联邦政府的

例句:the federal government

25.     fee /fi:/  n.费用, 酬金

例句:We couldn't afford to pay the lawyer's fee.

26.     flexible /'fleksəbl/  adj.柔韧的, 灵活的, 易弯曲的

例句:My schedule is quite flexible - I could arrange to meet with you any day next week.

27.     furthermore /'fə:ðə'mɔ:/  adv.而且, 此外

例句:I suggest we use Barkers as our main suppliers - they're good and furthermore they're cheap.

28.     gender /'dʒendə/  n.性别

例句:Does this test show the gender of the baby?

29.     ignore /ig'nɔ:/  vt.忽视, 不理, 不顾

例句:I smiled at her but she just ignored me.

30.     incentive /in'sentiv/   adj.刺激的, 鼓励的  n.刺激, 鼓励, 动机

例句:Tax incentives have been very effective in encouraging people to save and invest more of their income.

31.     incidence /'insidəns/   n.发生(率)

例句:There have been quite a few incidences of bullying in the school this year.

32.     incorporate /in'kɔ:pəreit/   v.合并   adj.合并的

例句:This aircraft incorporates several new safety features.

33.     index  /'indeks/  n.指数, 索引  v.指出, 编索引

例句:Try looking up 'heart disease' in the index.

34.     inhibit  /in'hibit/  v.抑制, 阻止

例句:This drug inhibits the growth of tumours.

35.     initiative /i'niʃətiv/  adj.创始的, 初步的  n.主动权

例句:Although she was quite young, she showed a lot of initiative and was promoted to manager after a year.

36.     input /'input/  n.投入, 输入  v.输入

例句:I didn't have much input into the project

37.     instruct /in'strʌkt/  v.教, 命令, 指导

例句:The police have been instructed to patrol the building and surrounding area.

38.     intelligence /in'telidʒəns/  n.智力, 理解力

例句:It's the intelligence of her writing that impresses me.

39.     interval  /'intəvəl/  n.间隔, 休息时间

例句:We see each other at regular intervals - usually about once a month.

40.     lecture /'lektʃə/  n.讲课, 演讲  v. 讲课, 教导

例句:We went to a lecture on Italian art.

41.     migrate /'maigreit/  vi.迁移, 迁徙, 转移

例句:These animals migrate annually in search of food.

42.     minimum /'miniməm/  adj.最少的, 最低程度的  n. 最低限度, 最小量

例句:We need a minimum of ten people to play this game.

43.     ministry /'ministri/  n. (政府的)部, 内阁

例句:the Ministry of Defence/Agriculture

44.     motivate /'məutiveit/ vt. 激发(兴趣或欲望), 给与动机

例句:I think you should examine their motives in offering to lend you the money.

45.     neutral /'nju:trəl/  adj.中立的, 中性的

例句:If there's an argument between my daughter and her mother, it's important that I remain neutral.

46.     nevertheless /ˌnevəðə'les/  adv.尽管如此, 但是

例句:I knew a lot about the subject already, but her talk was interesting nevertheless.

47.     overseas /'əuvə'si:z/  adj.海外的  adv.在海外

例句:We need to open up overseas markets.

48.     precede/pri:'si:d/  vt.在 ... 之前, 先于  vi.在前面, 领先

例句:It would be helpful if you were to precede the report with an introduction.

49.     presumption /pri'zʌmpʃən/  n. 推测, 可能性

例句:The presumption of innocence is central to British law.

50.     rational /'ræʃənəl/  adj.合理的, 理性的

例句:He was too upset to be rational.

51.     recovery /ri'kʌvəri/  n.恢复, 痊愈

例句:At last the economy is showing signs of recovery.

52.     reveal /ri'vi:l/  vt. 揭示, 展现

例句:He was jailed for revealing secrets to the Russians.

53.     scope /skəup/   n.范围

例句:I'm afraid that problem is beyond the scope of my lecture.

54.     subsidiary /səb'sidiəri/   adj.辅助的, 补贴的, 附属的 n. 附属机构/公司

例句:a subsidiary role/factor

55.     tape /teip/  n.磁带, 胶布

56.     trace /treis/  n.痕迹, 踪迹 v.追踪

例句:The police are trying to trace the mother of a newborn baby found abandoned outside a hospital.

57.     transformation /ˌtrænsfə'meiʃən/ n.变形, 转化

例句:Local people have mixed feelings about the planned transformation of their town into a regional capital.

58.     transport /træns'pɔ:t/  n.运输  v.运输, 传播

例句:Such heavy items are expensive to transport.

59.     underlying /ˌʌndə'laiiŋ/  adj.潜在的, 隐含的, 在下面的

例句:And what might be the underlying significance of these supposedly random acts of violence?

60.     utility /ju:'tiliti/  n.效用, 实用

例句:Art, lacking practical utility, can be either worthless or priceless


写作词汇« List 6

1.         improve /im'pru:v/ v. 改善

例句:The government should make great efforts to improve citizens’ living standard.

2.         insist /in'sist/ v. 坚持

例句:Some people insist that children should be encouraged to take part in outdoor sports.

3.         interfere /,intə'fiə/ v. 干涉

例句:We have no right to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.

4.         ignore /ig'nɔ:/ v. 忽视

例句:Many modern people ignore the importance of communicating with their family members.

5.         international   /,intə'næʃənəl/ adj. 国际的

例句:The world is becoming increasingly international.

6.         innovation /,inəu'veiʃən/ n. 改革,创新

例句:The innovation of air travel has made the world seem smaller.

7.         invention  /in'venʃən/ n. 发明

例句:I believe the Internet is one of the greatest inventions in the world.

8.         imagination /i,mædʒi'neiʃən/ n. 想象力

例句:TV watching can promote children’s imagination.

9.         inefficient  /,ini'fiʃənt/  adj. 无效率的

例句:Environmental protection failed partly because of inefficient management of local government.

10.     junk /dʒʌŋk/ n. 垃圾

例句: Many children are addicted to junk food.

11.     justified /'dʒʌstifai/ adj. 情有可原的

例句: It is justified for sports professionals to earn high salary.

12.     lighten /'laitn/ v. 减轻

例句: It is necessary for the government to lighten poor people’s financial burden.

13.     lifestyle /'laifstail/ n. 生活方式

例句: Modern technology influences people’s lifestyles.

14.     limit /'limit/ n./ v 限制

例句:Some people hold the view that smoking is harmful and should be limited.

15.     loneliness /'ləunlinis/ n. 孤独

例句:People working far away from their hometown tend to suffer from loneliness.

16.     loss /lɔs/ v. 丧失

例句:We will loss national pride and culture if our language disappears.

17.     loss /lɔs/ n. 损失

例句:Some people believe the disappearance of languages is a great loss.

18.     mutual   /'mju:tʃuəl/ adj. 相互的

例句:International tourism accelerate mutual understanding around the world.

19.     measure /'meʒə/ n.  措施

例句:Effective measures should be adopted to solve the issue of water shortage.

20.     method  /'meθəd/ n. 方法

例句:Teachers can constantly improve their teaching methods.

21.     means /mi:nz/ n. 方式

例句:It is important to deal with overpopulation by means of controlling birth rate.

22.     mean /mi:n/  v.意味着

例句:Education means to raise children into responsible individuals.

23.     merit /'merit/ n. 优点

例句:One of the merits of globalization is promoting mutual understanding between people from different countries.

24.     mitigate /'miti,geit/ v. 缓解

例句:Effective measures should be adopted to mitigate traffic jam in big cities.

25.     moral /'mɔrəl/ adj. 道德的

例句: Schools can provide students with moral education apart from academic knowledge.

26.     male  /meil/ n. 男性的,男人

例句:In modern society, males tend to have more opportunities than females.

27.     motivation /,mouti'veiʃən/  n.动力,积极性

例句:There are just a few students studying with motivation and passion.

28.     master /adj./n. /'mɑ:stə/  v.掌握,精通

例句:It is necessary for students to master English skills in the international world.

29.     mold  /n. /məuld/  v. 塑造

例句:Extracurricular activities help students to mold their personality.

30.     moreover  /mɔ: 'rəuvə/  adv. 而且,另外

例句:Moreover, it is necessary for the government to fund more artistic projects.

31.     neglect  /nig'lekt/ v. 忽视

例句: Many people neglect the importance of physical exercises.

32.     negative  /'negətiv/ adj. 消极的

例句:Some parents believe that computers exert negative influence on children’s academic performance.

33.     nature /'neitʃə/ n. 自然界,本质

例句:Others think that nature has greater effect on a person’s development.




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阅读词汇« List 6

1.         abstract /'æbstrækt/  adj.抽象的  n.摘要

例句:Truth and beauty are abstract concepts.

2.         accurate /'ækjurit/  adj.准确的, 精确的

例句:The figures they have used are just not accurate.

3.         acknowledge /ək'nɔlidʒ/   vt.承认, 公认

例句:You must acknowledge the truth of her argument.

4.         aggregate /'ægrigeit,'ægrigit/   adj.合计的, 总的  n.总计v.聚集, 总计

例句:They purchased an aggregate of 3000 shares in the company.

5.         allocation /,ælə'keiʃən/   n.分配, 配置

例句:It is not the job of the investigating committee to allocate blame for the disaster/to allocate blame to individuals.

6.         assign /ə'sain/   vt.分配,指派

例句:The case has been assigned to our most senior officer.

7.         attach  /ə'tætʃ/   v.附上, 系上, 贴上

例句:I attached a photo to my application form.

8.         author /'ɔ:θə/   n.作家, 作者  vt.编写, 创作

例句:He is the author of two books on French history.

9.         bond  /bɔnd/   n.债券, 结合,联系  vt.使结合

例句:There has been a close bond between them ever since she saved him from drowning.

10.     brief  /bri:f/  adj.短暂的, 简短的  n.摘要  vt.简单介绍

例句:I had a brief look at her report before the meeting.

11.     capable /'keipəbl/  adj.有能力的, 能干的

例句:We need to get an assistant who's capable and efficient.

12.     cite /sait/  vt.引用

例句:She cited three reasons why people get into debt.

13.     cooperate /kəu'ɔpəreit/   vi.合作, 协力, 配合

例句:I find it very hard to dress my two-year-old when she refuses to cooperate.

14.     discriminate  /di'skrimineit/   v.区分, 区别对待

例句:She felt she had been discriminated against because of her age.

15.     display  /di'splei/  n.显示, 陈列   vt.显示, 表现

例句:Family photographs were displayed on the wall.

16.     diversity /dai'və:siti/   n.多样性, 差异

例句:There is a wide diversity of opinion on the question of unilateral disarmament.

17.     domain /də'mein/   n.领地, 领域, 范围

例句:She treated the business as her private domain.

18.     edition /i'diʃən/  n.版, 版本

例句:The regional editions of the paper contain specific information for that area.

19.     enhance /in'hɑ:ns/   vt.提高, 增加, 加强

例句:These scandals will not enhance the organization's reputation.

20.     estate /is'teit/   n.财产, 房地产

例句:It's a typical country estate with a large house for the owner, farm buildings and estate workers' houses.

21.     exceed /ik'si:d/   vt.超过, 超出   vi.领先

例句:The final cost should not exceed $5000.

22.     expert /'ekspə:t/   n.专家, 能手 adj.熟练的, 内行的

例句:The centre provides expert advice for people with financial problems.

23.     explicit /iks'plisit/   adj.明确的, 清晰的

例句:I gave her very explicit directions how to get here.

24.     federal /'fedərəl/   adj.联邦制的, 联邦政府的

例句:the federal government

25.     fee /fi:/  n.费用, 酬金

例句:We couldn't afford to pay the lawyer's fee.

26.     flexible /'fleksəbl/  adj.柔韧的, 灵活的, 易弯曲的

例句:My schedule is quite flexible - I could arrange to meet with you any day next week.

27.     furthermore /'fə:ðə'mɔ:/  adv.而且, 此外

例句:I suggest we use Barkers as our main suppliers - they're good and furthermore they're cheap.

28.     gender /'dʒendə/  n.性别

例句:Does this test show the gender of the baby?

29.     ignore /ig'nɔ:/  vt.忽视, 不理, 不顾

例句:I smiled at her but she just ignored me.

30.     incentive /in'sentiv/   adj.刺激的, 鼓励的  n.刺激, 鼓励, 动机

例句:Tax incentives have been very effective in encouraging people to save and invest more of their income.

31.     incidence /'insidəns/   n.发生(率)

例句:There have been quite a few incidences of bullying in the school this year.

32.     incorporate /in'kɔ:pəreit/   v.合并   adj.合并的

例句:This aircraft incorporates several new safety features.

33.     index  /'indeks/  n.指数, 索引  v.指出, 编索引

例句:Try looking up 'heart disease' in the index.

34.     inhibit  /in'hibit/  v.抑制, 阻止

例句:This drug inhibits the growth of tumours.

35.     initiative /i'niʃətiv/  adj.创始的, 初步的  n.主动权

例句:Although she was quite young, she showed a lot of initiative and was promoted to manager after a year.

36.     input /'input/  n.投入, 输入  v.输入

例句:I didn't have much input into the project

37.     instruct /in'strʌkt/  v.教, 命令, 指导

例句:The police have been instructed to patrol the building and surrounding area.

38.     intelligence /in'telidʒəns/  n.智力, 理解力

例句:It's the intelligence of her writing that impresses me.

39.     interval  /'intəvəl/  n.间隔, 休息时间

例句:We see each other at regular intervals - usually about once a month.

40.     lecture /'lektʃə/  n.讲课, 演讲  v. 讲课, 教导

例句:We went to a lecture on Italian art.

41.     migrate /'maigreit/  vi.迁移, 迁徙, 转移

例句:These animals migrate annually in search of food.

42.     minimum /'miniməm/  adj.最少的, 最低程度的  n. 最低限度, 最小量

例句:We need a minimum of ten people to play this game.

43.     ministry /'ministri/  n. (政府的)部, 内阁

例句:the Ministry of Defence/Agriculture

44.     motivate /'məutiveit/ vt. 激发(兴趣或欲望), 给与动机

例句:I think you should examine their motives in offering to lend you the money.

45.     neutral /'nju:trəl/  adj.中立的, 中性的

例句:If there's an argument between my daughter and her mother, it's important that I remain neutral.

46.     nevertheless /ˌnevəðə'les/  adv.尽管如此, 但是

例句:I knew a lot about the subject already, but her talk was interesting nevertheless.

47.     overseas /'əuvə'si:z/  adj.海外的  adv.在海外

例句:We need to open up overseas markets.

48.     precede/pri:'si:d/  vt.在 ... 之前, 先于  vi.在前面, 领先

例句:It would be helpful if you were to precede the report with an introduction.

49.     presumption /pri'zʌmpʃən/  n. 推测, 可能性

例句:The presumption of innocence is central to British law.

50.     rational /'ræʃənəl/  adj.合理的, 理性的

例句:He was too upset to be rational.

51.     recovery /ri'kʌvəri/  n.恢复, 痊愈

例句:At last the economy is showing signs of recovery.

52.     reveal /ri'vi:l/  vt. 揭示, 展现

例句:He was jailed for revealing secrets to the Russians.

53.     scope /skəup/   n.范围

例句:I'm afraid that problem is beyond the scope of my lecture.

54.     subsidiary /səb'sidiəri/   adj.辅助的, 补贴的, 附属的 n. 附属机构/公司

例句:a subsidiary role/factor

55.     tape /teip/  n.磁带, 胶布

56.     trace /treis/  n.痕迹, 踪迹 v.追踪

例句:The police are trying to trace the mother of a newborn baby found abandoned outside a hospital.

57.     transformation /ˌtrænsfə'meiʃən/ n.变形, 转化

例句:Local people have mixed feelings about the planned transformation of their town into a regional capital.

58.     transport /træns'pɔ:t/  n.运输  v.运输, 传播

例句:Such heavy items are expensive to transport.

59.     underlying /ˌʌndə'laiiŋ/  adj.潜在的, 隐含的, 在下面的

例句:And what might be the underlying significance of these supposedly random acts of violence?

60.     utility /ju:'tiliti/  n.效用, 实用

例句:Art, lacking practical utility, can be either worthless or priceless


写作词汇« List 6

1.         improve /im'pru:v/ v. 改善

例句:The government should make great efforts to improve citizens’ living standard.

2.         insist /in'sist/ v. 坚持

例句:Some people insist that children should be encouraged to take part in outdoor sports.

3.         interfere /,intə'fiə/ v. 干涉

例句:We have no right to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.

4.         ignore /ig'nɔ:/ v. 忽视

例句:Many modern people ignore the importance of communicating with their family members.

5.         international   /,intə'næʃənəl/ adj. 国际的

例句:The world is becoming increasingly international.

6.         innovation /,inəu'veiʃən/ n. 改革,创新

例句:The innovation of air travel has made the world seem smaller.

7.         invention  /in'venʃən/ n. 发明

例句:I believe the Internet is one of the greatest inventions in the world.

8.         imagination /i,mædʒi'neiʃən/ n. 想象力

例句:TV watching can promote children’s imagination.

9.         inefficient  /,ini'fiʃənt/  adj. 无效率的

例句:Environmental protection failed partly because of inefficient management of local government.

10.     junk /dʒʌŋk/ n. 垃圾

例句: Many children are addicted to junk food.

11.     justified /'dʒʌstifai/ adj. 情有可原的

例句: It is justified for sports professionals to earn high salary.

12.     lighten /'laitn/ v. 减轻

例句: It is necessary for the government to lighten poor people’s financial burden.

13.     lifestyle /'laifstail/ n. 生活方式

例句: Modern technology influences people’s lifestyles.

14.     limit /'limit/ n./ v 限制

例句:Some people hold the view that smoking is harmful and should be limited.

15.     loneliness /'ləunlinis/ n. 孤独

例句:People working far away from their hometown tend to suffer from loneliness.

16.     loss /lɔs/ v. 丧失

例句:We will loss national pride and culture if our language disappears.

17.     loss /lɔs/ n. 损失

例句:Some people believe the disappearance of languages is a great loss.

18.     mutual   /'mju:tʃuəl/ adj. 相互的

例句:International tourism accelerate mutual understanding around the world.

19.     measure /'meʒə/ n.  措施

例句:Effective measures should be adopted to solve the issue of water shortage.

20.     method  /'meθəd/ n. 方法

例句:Teachers can constantly improve their teaching methods.

21.     means /mi:nz/ n. 方式

例句:It is important to deal with overpopulation by means of controlling birth rate.

22.     mean /mi:n/  v.意味着

例句:Education means to raise children into responsible individuals.

23.     merit /'merit/ n. 优点

例句:One of the merits of globalization is promoting mutual understanding between people from different countries.

24.     mitigate /'miti,geit/ v. 缓解

例句:Effective measures should be adopted to mitigate traffic jam in big cities.

25.     moral /'mɔrəl/ adj. 道德的

例句: Schools can provide students with moral education apart from academic knowledge.

26.     male  /meil/ n. 男性的,男人

例句:In modern society, males tend to have more opportunities than females.

27.     motivation /,mouti'veiʃən/  n.动力,积极性

例句:There are just a few students studying with motivation and passion.

28.     master /adj./n. /'mɑ:stə/  v.掌握,精通

例句:It is necessary for students to master English skills in the international world.

29.     mold  /n. /məuld/  v. 塑造

例句:Extracurricular activities help students to mold their personality.

30.     moreover  /mɔ: 'rəuvə/  adv. 而且,另外

例句:Moreover, it is necessary for the government to fund more artistic projects.

31.     neglect  /nig'lekt/ v. 忽视

例句: Many people neglect the importance of physical exercises.

32.     negative  /'negətiv/ adj. 消极的

例句:Some parents believe that computers exert negative influence on children’s academic performance.

33.     nature /'neitʃə/ n. 自然界,本质

例句:Others think that nature has greater effect on a person’s development.

