
2013-01-07 15:19:01 雅思


听力词汇« List 10

1.       recognize/'rekəgnaiz/  v. 认出

2.       handwriting/'hænd,raitiŋ/  n. 书法,字迹

3.       aim /eim/ n.  目的

4.       complex /'kɔmpleks/ adj  复杂的

5.       bamboo /bæm'bu:/  n.  竹子

6.       cultivate/'kʌltiveit/  v. 培养

7.       staple /'steipl/ n. 主食

8.       feature /fi:tʃə/  n. 特征

9.       characterize/'kæriktəraiz/  v.  以… 为特征  

例句: It’s characterized by three main features.

10.   studio/'stju:diəu/ n.  工作室

11.   origin/'ɔridʒin/   n.起源

12.   chess/tʃes/ n. 象棋

13.   date/deit/ v.  始于某时间  E.g. Chess dates back to 600 AD.

14.   northern /'nɔ:ðən/  adj. 北部的

15.   india/'indiə/  n. 印度

16.   european /,juərə'pi:ən/ n/adj  欧洲人/欧洲的

17.   variation /,vɛəri'eiʃən/ n. 变体,变化   various/'vɛəriəs/  adj 不同的

18.   chess /tʃes/ piece /pi:s/ n.  棋子

19.   championship/'tʃæmpiənʃip/   n. 冠军赛,锦标赛

20.   research /ri'sə:tʃ/ method /'meθəd/  n. 研究方法

21.   linguistic/liŋ'gwistik/ adj   语言的

22.   spoken/'spəukən/ language/'læŋgwidʒ/   n.  口头语言

23.   written/'ritn/ language/'læŋgwidʒ/   n. 书面语言

24.   rabbit /'ræbit/ n. 兔子

25.   settler/'setlə/ n. 移民

26.   fox/fɔks/  n.   护理

27.   hunting /'hʌntiŋ/   n.  打猎

28.   root /ru:t/  n.   根

29.   swell /swel/ v.  膨胀

30.   beetle /'bi:tl/   n.  甲壳虫

31.   ensure /in'ʃuə/ v.   保证

32.   survive /sə'vaiv/ v.  幸存,活下来

33.   effect /i'fekt/  n.  效果

34.   species/'spi:ʃi:z/   n. 物种

35.   origin  /'ɔridʒin/  n. 起源、源头

36.   linguistic  /liŋ'gwistik/   adj.语言的

37.   cane  /kein/ n. (竹、藤等的)茎

38.   toad /təud/ n. 蟾蜍,癞蛤蟆

39.   stem  /stem/  from 起源于、源自



discussion---talking about  讨论

linguistic analysis---language learning 语言学习

speaking---spoken language  口语

cane toad---species of toad  蔗蟾

sugar cane---the plant  甘蔗(植物)

multiplied in number---numbers had swollen 数量增加

believed the reports---accepted the reports 相信报告的内容                                                   

sugar cane industry thrives---survival of sugar cane industry 甘蔗产业幸存下来

caution---look very carefully 仔细,小心


阅读词汇« List 10

1.         achieve /ə'tʃiːv/  v. 完成, 达到, 实现

例句:The government's training policy, he claimed, was achieving its objectives.

2.         adjacent /ə'dʒeisnt/  adj. 邻近的,毗连的

例句:They lived in a house adjacent to the railway.

3.         albeit /ɔ:l'bi:it/  conj. 虽然

例句:The evening was very pleasant, albeit a little quiet.

4.         assemble /ə'sembl/  v. 集合,装备,集合

例句:We assembled in the meeting room after lunch.

5.         collapse  /kə'læps/   v. 倒塌,崩溃  n. 倒塌,崩溃

例句:Thousands of buildings collapsed in the earthquake.

6.         colleague /'kɔli:g/  n. 同事

例句:We're entertaining some colleagues of Ben's tonight.

7.         compile/kəm'pail/  v. 编译,编辑

例句:We're compiling some facts and figures for a documentary on the subject.

8.         conceive /kən'siːv/  v. 设想,以为,怀孕

例句:I think my uncle still conceives of me as a four-year-old.

9.         convince /kən'vins/  v. 说服,使相信

例句:I hope this will convince you to change your mind.

10.     depression /di'preʃən/  v. 萧条,沮丧

例句:I was overwhelmed by feelings of depression

11.     encounter/in'kauntə/   v. 遇到,偶然碰到  n. 偶遇,相遇

例句:When did you first encounter these difficulties?

12.     enormous  /i'nɔ:məs/  adj. 巨大的,庞大的

例句:He earns an enormous salary.

13.     forthcoming /ˈfɔːθˌkʌm.iŋ/ adj. 即将到来的, 现成的, 乐意帮助

例句:We have just received the information about the forthcoming conference.

14.     inclination /‚inkli'neiʃn/  n. 倾向,倾斜度,意愿

例句:The Prime Minister is believed to be inclining towards an April election

15.     integrity /in'tegriti/   n .正直,诚实,完整

例句:No one doubted that the president was a man of the highest integrity.

16.     intrinsic /in'trinsik/   adj. 内在的,固有的,本质的

例句:Maths is an intrinsic part of the school curriculum.

17.     invoke /in'vəʊk/  v.  激起,引起

例句:Police can invoke the law of trespass to regulate access to these places.

18.     levy /'levi/  n. 征税,收集,税款  v. 征收,发动,强征

例句:They imposed a 5% levy on alcoh.

19.     likewise /laikwaiz/  adv. 同样的,也

例句:Just water these plants twice a week, and likewise the ones in the bedroom.

20.     nonetheless /'nʌnðə'les/   adv. 虽然如此,但是

例句:Nonetheless, we feel this is a good time to return.

21.     notwithstanding /'nɔtwiθ'stændiŋ/   adv. 尽管,还是   prep. 尽管,还是

例句:Injuries notwithstanding, he won the semi-final match.

22.     odd /ɔd/  adj. 奇数的,剩余的,古怪的

例句:It must be odd to live on the 43rd floor.

23.     ongoing /'ɔn'gəuiŋ/  adj. 进行的, 不断发展的

例句:No agreement has yet been reached and the negotiations are still ongoing.

24.     panel /'pænl/   n. 嵌板,座谈小组,仪表板  

例句:The competition will be judged by a panel of experts.

25.     persistent /pə'sistənt/  adj.  坚持的,持续的

例句:He has been a persistent critic of the president.

26.     pose /pəʊz/  n. 姿势  v. 摆姿势,造成

例句:Nuclear weapons pose a threat to everyone.

27.     reluctant /ri'lʌktənt/  adj.  不情愿的,勉强的

例句:Many parents feel reluctant to talk openly with their children.

28.     so-called /'səu'kɔ:ld/  adj.  所谓的

例句:It was one of his so-called friends who supplied him with the drugs that killed him.

29.     straightforward /streit'fɔ:wəd/  adj.  易读的, 正直的, 笔直的

例句:Just follow the signs to Bradford - it's very straightforward.

30.     undergo /‚ʌndə(r)gəʊ/  v. 经历,遭受

例句:Cinema in Britain is undergoing a revival of popularity.

31.     whereby /wɛə'bai/  conj. 凭借

例句:We need to devise some sort of system whereby people can liaise with each other.


写作词汇« List 10

1.         tax /tæks/  n.税

例句: A carbon tax has many more general advantages as a fiscal tool.

2.         technology /tek'nɔlədʒi/  n.技术

例句: Different nations have different levels of technology.

3.         therefore /'ðεəfɔ:/  adv. 因此

例句: What is needed, therefore, is education.

4.         threaten /'θretn/  v.威胁

例句: Enviornmental pollution threatens people’s survival.

5.         toxic /'tɔksik/  adj. 有毒的

例句: Toxic chemicals are dumped into rivers and lacks.

6.         tradition /trə'diʃən/  n.传统

例句: Tourists can experience different traditions and customs on their journey.

7.         traditional /trə'diʃənəl/ adj. 传统的

例句: The bonds of traditional family life began to slacken.

8.         traffic /'træfik/ n. 交通

例句: Effective measures should be adopted to solve traffic problems.

9.         transform /træns'fɔ:m/ v.转变

例句: Modern technology transforms science, education, and entertainment.

10.     treasure /'treʒə/   v./ n.珍惜,宝藏

例句: National culture is a country’s treasure.

11.     uncomfortable  /,ʌn'kʌmfətəbl/ adj. 不舒服的

例句: Overseas students may feel the living environment abroad is uncomfortable.

12.     unfair /,ʌn'fεə/ adj. 不公平的

例句: It is unfair to males to earn more than females.

13.     unfortunately /ʌn'fɔ:tʃənətli/ adv.不幸运地

例句: Unfortunately, few people realize the importance of protecting minor langyages.

14.     unique /ju:'ni:k/ adj. 独一无二

例句: Some people visit China to enjoy Chinese unique national culture.

15.     unreasonable /,ʌn'ri:zənəbl/ adj.不合理的,不理智的

例句: It is unreasonable to knock down traditional buildings.

16.     unwilling /,ʌn'wiliŋ/  adj.   不情愿的

例句: Some people are unwilling to take part in teamwork.

17.     useful /'ju:sfəl/  adj. 有用的

例句: This is a book useful for beginners in French.

18.     various /'vεəriəs/ adj. 各种各样的

例句: Various government loans may also be available.

19.     vehicle /'vi:ikl/  n. 交通工具

例句: There are many vehicles on the road.

20.     violate /'vaiəleit/  v. 违反

例句: It is immoral to violate others’ privacy.

21.     violation /,vaiə'leiʃən/  n.  违背

例句: This caused concern about a possible violation of ethics in his work.

22.     violent /'vaiələnt/  adj. 暴力的

例句: Many electronic games are violent.

23.     virtual /'və:tjuəl/  adj. 虚拟的

例句: Virtual world attracts many young people.

24.     vivid /'vivid/  adj. 生动的

例句: He sketched the situation in a few vivid words.

25.     vocation /vəu'keiʃən/  n. 假期

例句: Many students take part-time jobs during their vocation.

26.     well-paid /'wel'peid/ adj. 薪酬高的

例句: Only a few graduates can find well-paid jobs.

27.     well-trained  /'wel-treind/ adj. 训练有素的

例句: Our teachers are well-trained and rather experienced.

28.     worsen /'wə:sn/ v.(使)恶化

例句: The problem of air pollution and acid rain are likely to worsen.






















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听力词汇« List 10

1.       recognize/'rekəgnaiz/  v. 认出

2.       handwriting/'hænd,raitiŋ/  n. 书法,字迹

3.       aim /eim/ n.  目的

4.       complex /'kɔmpleks/ adj  复杂的

5.       bamboo /bæm'bu:/  n.  竹子

6.       cultivate/'kʌltiveit/  v. 培养

7.       staple /'steipl/ n. 主食

8.       feature /fi:tʃə/  n. 特征

9.       characterize/'kæriktəraiz/  v.  以… 为特征  

例句: It’s characterized by three main features.

10.   studio/'stju:diəu/ n.  工作室

11.   origin/'ɔridʒin/   n.起源

12.   chess/tʃes/ n. 象棋

13.   date/deit/ v.  始于某时间  E.g. Chess dates back to 600 AD.

14.   northern /'nɔ:ðən/  adj. 北部的

15.   india/'indiə/  n. 印度

16.   european /,juərə'pi:ən/ n/adj  欧洲人/欧洲的

17.   variation /,vɛəri'eiʃən/ n. 变体,变化   various/'vɛəriəs/  adj 不同的

18.   chess /tʃes/ piece /pi:s/ n.  棋子

19.   championship/'tʃæmpiənʃip/   n. 冠军赛,锦标赛

20.   research /ri'sə:tʃ/ method /'meθəd/  n. 研究方法

21.   linguistic/liŋ'gwistik/ adj   语言的

22.   spoken/'spəukən/ language/'læŋgwidʒ/   n.  口头语言

23.   written/'ritn/ language/'læŋgwidʒ/   n. 书面语言

24.   rabbit /'ræbit/ n. 兔子

25.   settler/'setlə/ n. 移民

26.   fox/fɔks/  n.   护理

27.   hunting /'hʌntiŋ/   n.  打猎

28.   root /ru:t/  n.   根

29.   swell /swel/ v.  膨胀

30.   beetle /'bi:tl/   n.  甲壳虫

31.   ensure /in'ʃuə/ v.   保证

32.   survive /sə'vaiv/ v.  幸存,活下来

33.   effect /i'fekt/  n.  效果

34.   species/'spi:ʃi:z/   n. 物种

35.   origin  /'ɔridʒin/  n. 起源、源头

36.   linguistic  /liŋ'gwistik/   adj.语言的

37.   cane  /kein/ n. (竹、藤等的)茎

38.   toad /təud/ n. 蟾蜍,癞蛤蟆

39.   stem  /stem/  from 起源于、源自



discussion---talking about  讨论

linguistic analysis---language learning 语言学习

speaking---spoken language  口语

cane toad---species of toad  蔗蟾

sugar cane---the plant  甘蔗(植物)

multiplied in number---numbers had swollen 数量增加

believed the reports---accepted the reports 相信报告的内容                                                   

sugar cane industry thrives---survival of sugar cane industry 甘蔗产业幸存下来

caution---look very carefully 仔细,小心


阅读词汇« List 10

1.         achieve /ə'tʃiːv/  v. 完成, 达到, 实现

例句:The government's training policy, he claimed, was achieving its objectives.

2.         adjacent /ə'dʒeisnt/  adj. 邻近的,毗连的

例句:They lived in a house adjacent to the railway.

3.         albeit /ɔ:l'bi:it/  conj. 虽然

例句:The evening was very pleasant, albeit a little quiet.

4.         assemble /ə'sembl/  v. 集合,装备,集合

例句:We assembled in the meeting room after lunch.

5.         collapse  /kə'læps/   v. 倒塌,崩溃  n. 倒塌,崩溃

例句:Thousands of buildings collapsed in the earthquake.

6.         colleague /'kɔli:g/  n. 同事

例句:We're entertaining some colleagues of Ben's tonight.

7.         compile/kəm'pail/  v. 编译,编辑

例句:We're compiling some facts and figures for a documentary on the subject.

8.         conceive /kən'siːv/  v. 设想,以为,怀孕

例句:I think my uncle still conceives of me as a four-year-old.

9.         convince /kən'vins/  v. 说服,使相信

例句:I hope this will convince you to change your mind.

10.     depression /di'preʃən/  v. 萧条,沮丧

例句:I was overwhelmed by feelings of depression

11.     encounter/in'kauntə/   v. 遇到,偶然碰到  n. 偶遇,相遇

例句:When did you first encounter these difficulties?

12.     enormous  /i'nɔ:məs/  adj. 巨大的,庞大的

例句:He earns an enormous salary.

13.     forthcoming /ˈfɔːθˌkʌm.iŋ/ adj. 即将到来的, 现成的, 乐意帮助

例句:We have just received the information about the forthcoming conference.

14.     inclination /‚inkli'neiʃn/  n. 倾向,倾斜度,意愿

例句:The Prime Minister is believed to be inclining towards an April election

15.     integrity /in'tegriti/   n .正直,诚实,完整

例句:No one doubted that the president was a man of the highest integrity.

16.     intrinsic /in'trinsik/   adj. 内在的,固有的,本质的

例句:Maths is an intrinsic part of the school curriculum.

17.     invoke /in'vəʊk/  v.  激起,引起

例句:Police can invoke the law of trespass to regulate access to these places.

18.     levy /'levi/  n. 征税,收集,税款  v. 征收,发动,强征

例句:They imposed a 5% levy on alcoh.

19.     likewise /laikwaiz/  adv. 同样的,也

例句:Just water these plants twice a week, and likewise the ones in the bedroom.

20.     nonetheless /'nʌnðə'les/   adv. 虽然如此,但是

例句:Nonetheless, we feel this is a good time to return.

21.     notwithstanding /'nɔtwiθ'stændiŋ/   adv. 尽管,还是   prep. 尽管,还是

例句:Injuries notwithstanding, he won the semi-final match.

22.     odd /ɔd/  adj. 奇数的,剩余的,古怪的

例句:It must be odd to live on the 43rd floor.

23.     ongoing /'ɔn'gəuiŋ/  adj. 进行的, 不断发展的

例句:No agreement has yet been reached and the negotiations are still ongoing.

24.     panel /'pænl/   n. 嵌板,座谈小组,仪表板  

例句:The competition will be judged by a panel of experts.

25.     persistent /pə'sistənt/  adj.  坚持的,持续的

例句:He has been a persistent critic of the president.

26.     pose /pəʊz/  n. 姿势  v. 摆姿势,造成

例句:Nuclear weapons pose a threat to everyone.

27.     reluctant /ri'lʌktənt/  adj.  不情愿的,勉强的

例句:Many parents feel reluctant to talk openly with their children.

28.     so-called /'səu'kɔ:ld/  adj.  所谓的

例句:It was one of his so-called friends who supplied him with the drugs that killed him.

29.     straightforward /streit'fɔ:wəd/  adj.  易读的, 正直的, 笔直的

例句:Just follow the signs to Bradford - it's very straightforward.

30.     undergo /‚ʌndə(r)gəʊ/  v. 经历,遭受

例句:Cinema in Britain is undergoing a revival of popularity.

31.     whereby /wɛə'bai/  conj. 凭借

例句:We need to devise some sort of system whereby people can liaise with each other.


写作词汇« List 10

1.         tax /tæks/  n.税

例句: A carbon tax has many more general advantages as a fiscal tool.

2.         technology /tek'nɔlədʒi/  n.技术

例句: Different nations have different levels of technology.

3.         therefore /'ðεəfɔ:/  adv. 因此

例句: What is needed, therefore, is education.

4.         threaten /'θretn/  v.威胁

例句: Enviornmental pollution threatens people’s survival.

5.         toxic /'tɔksik/  adj. 有毒的

例句: Toxic chemicals are dumped into rivers and lacks.

6.         tradition /trə'diʃən/  n.传统

例句: Tourists can experience different traditions and customs on their journey.

7.         traditional /trə'diʃənəl/ adj. 传统的

例句: The bonds of traditional family life began to slacken.

8.         traffic /'træfik/ n. 交通

例句: Effective measures should be adopted to solve traffic problems.

9.         transform /træns'fɔ:m/ v.转变

例句: Modern technology transforms science, education, and entertainment.

10.     treasure /'treʒə/   v./ n.珍惜,宝藏

例句: National culture is a country’s treasure.

11.     uncomfortable  /,ʌn'kʌmfətəbl/ adj. 不舒服的

例句: Overseas students may feel the living environment abroad is uncomfortable.

12.     unfair /,ʌn'fεə/ adj. 不公平的

例句: It is unfair to males to earn more than females.

13.     unfortunately /ʌn'fɔ:tʃənətli/ adv.不幸运地

例句: Unfortunately, few people realize the importance of protecting minor langyages.

14.     unique /ju:'ni:k/ adj. 独一无二

例句: Some people visit China to enjoy Chinese unique national culture.

15.     unreasonable /,ʌn'ri:zənəbl/ adj.不合理的,不理智的

例句: It is unreasonable to knock down traditional buildings.

16.     unwilling /,ʌn'wiliŋ/  adj.   不情愿的

例句: Some people are unwilling to take part in teamwork.

17.     useful /'ju:sfəl/  adj. 有用的

例句: This is a book useful for beginners in French.

18.     various /'vεəriəs/ adj. 各种各样的

例句: Various government loans may also be available.

19.     vehicle /'vi:ikl/  n. 交通工具

例句: There are many vehicles on the road.

20.     violate /'vaiəleit/  v. 违反

例句: It is immoral to violate others’ privacy.

21.     violation /,vaiə'leiʃən/  n.  违背

例句: This caused concern about a possible violation of ethics in his work.

22.     violent /'vaiələnt/  adj. 暴力的

例句: Many electronic games are violent.

23.     virtual /'və:tjuəl/  adj. 虚拟的

例句: Virtual world attracts many young people.

24.     vivid /'vivid/  adj. 生动的

例句: He sketched the situation in a few vivid words.

25.     vocation /vəu'keiʃən/  n. 假期

例句: Many students take part-time jobs during their vocation.

26.     well-paid /'wel'peid/ adj. 薪酬高的

例句: Only a few graduates can find well-paid jobs.

27.     well-trained  /'wel-treind/ adj. 训练有素的

例句: Our teachers are well-trained and rather experienced.

28.     worsen /'wə:sn/ v.(使)恶化

例句: The problem of air pollution and acid rain are likely to worsen.

