someone you would like to travel with
a friend who is a good leader
adventurous person
oldest person you know
a family member that you admire
character in a childhood story
a teacher you want to see again
a childhood teacher
long-known friend
a child
someone you helped
describe a person who has healthy lifestyle
the most successful person you know
interesting news
ideal job
a job that you think makes the world better
food in your hometown
foreign food
a piece of clothing that others
bought for you
a type of book you like/ describe a book
small and successful business
sport competition
expensive thing you bought
a gift you gave others
something you’re interested in learning
something you’re good at
practical skill
healthy food
educational TV program
quiz show
a change that is good for your health
a photo
car you want to buy
outdoor sport you like
something you want to save money to buy
something you bought but found useless
a project
new law that can improve the place you live
a happy event in your childhood
how you celebrate your culture
a being late
naughty thing
long distance journey
something made you happy when you were a child
trip with family or friends
musical event
ideal house or apartment
leisure center
a place near water
a peaceful place
a place you want to go
place near water
a street in the city
a room you preferred when you were a child
historical building you visited
a place you have lunch
noisy place
school building