雅思优秀口语范文欣赏:A Childhood Song

  雅思口语一直以来都是很多同学比较困扰的,那么今天就和出国留学网的小编一起来看看雅思优秀口语范文欣赏:A Childhood Song。


  A Childhood Song

  Describe a song or melody that you remember from your childhood.

  You should say:

  - where you (first) heard this song or melody

  - how old you were when you first heard it

  -what the song (or melody) was about

  and explain how you felt (or feel now) when you heard (or hear) this song.

  Part 3

  Music in Your Society

  What's your favorite type of music?

  Do your parents also like that kind of music?

  Compare the music that young people like to listen to with the music that older people like to listen to.

  Compare classical music and modern music.

  Compare the music that people of different age groups like.

  Do you think people's tastes in music change as they get older?

  What do old people like to listen to?

  Has music in China changed much in the past 30 years or so?

  Do you think people in different countries listen to different music? Why?

  Compare Western and Chinese music.

  Has Chinese music been influenced by Western music?

  Is there any relationship between people's culture and the kind of music they listen to?

  Why do you think Western popular music has such a big influence throughout the whole world?

  The Uses of Music

  What are the different places where people can listen to music?

  Nowadays, a lot of shops play background music in their shops. Can you suggest why they do that?

  What do you think of the background music that is often played in department stores or shopping malls?

  Why do you think these places play that kind of music?

  Some people think the music played in shopping malls is annoying. What do you think?

  Do you agree that music can sometimes be considered to be noise pollution?


  The first time I heard the lovely song is when I was about 8 up to when I was 10 maybe, in my primary school.

  I don’t remember the exact name of that childhood song already, but I still remember the lyrics and melody of that song. "Bats in the belfries, owls in the trees, cats in the cornfields, ghosts in the breeze, go trick or treating then it’s all done. Halloween’s over, but wasn’t it fun?" As the lyrics written in the song, it is about Halloween. Halloween swept in China and people got to know it since then, everyone thought it was interesting because people wore costumes during the holiday and there is no such a holiday in China. So, with curiosity, like every child, when I heard this song, I think Halloween is mysterious and funny. There are bats, owls, cats and ghosts. Moreover, the melody is cheerful in a merry mood, so we always sang that song at the top of our lungs. It was amazing.



  雅思优秀口语范文欣赏:A Foreign Film

  雅思优秀口语范文赏析:A Gift You Would Like To Give

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  雅思口语一直以来都是很多同学比较困扰的,那么今天就和出国留学网的小编一起来看看雅思优秀口语范文欣赏:A Childhood Song。


  A Childhood Song

  Describe a song or melody that you remember from your childhood.

  You should say:

  - where you (first) heard this song or melody

  - how old you were when you first heard it

  -what the song (or melody) was about

  and explain how you felt (or feel now) when you heard (or hear) this song.

  Part 3

  Music in Your Society

  What's your favorite type of music?

  Do your parents also like that kind of music?

  Compare the music that young people like to listen to with the music that older people like to listen to.

  Compare classical music and modern music.

  Compare the music that people of different age groups like.

  Do you think people's tastes in music change as they get older?

  What do old people like to listen to?

  Has music in China changed much in the past 30 years or so?

  Do you think people in different countries listen to different music? Why?

  Compare Western and Chinese music.

  Has Chinese music been influenced by Western music?

  Is there any relationship between people's culture and the kind of music they listen to?

  Why do you think Western popular music has such a big influence throughout the whole world?

  The Uses of Music

  What are the different places where people can listen to music?

  Nowadays, a lot of shops play background music in their shops. Can you suggest why they do that?

  What do you think of the background music that is often played in department stores or shopping malls?

  Why do you think these places play that kind of music?

  Some people think the music played in shopping malls is annoying. What do you think?

  Do you agree that music can sometimes be considered to be noise pollution?


  The first time I heard the lovely song is when I was about 8 up to when I was 10 maybe, in my primary school.

  I don’t remember the exact name of that childhood song already, but I still remember the lyrics and melody of that song. "Bats in the belfries, owls in the trees, cats in the cornfields, ghosts in the breeze, go trick or treating then it’s all done. Halloween’s over, but wasn’t it fun?" As the lyrics written in the song, it is about Halloween. Halloween swept in China and people got to know it since then, everyone thought it was interesting because people wore costumes during the holiday and there is no such a holiday in China. So, with curiosity, like every child, when I heard this song, I think Halloween is mysterious and funny. There are bats, owls, cats and ghosts. Moreover, the melody is cheerful in a merry mood, so we always sang that song at the top of our lungs. It was amazing.



  雅思优秀口语范文欣赏:A Foreign Film

  雅思优秀口语范文赏析:A Gift You Would Like To Give
