

  Passage 1

  俄罗斯芭蕾舞发展史 (旧题)重复2019.11.2


  1. T --- 18世纪中期芭蕾流行

  2. NG --- 音乐教师数量上升 (和机经不一样,机经是F)

  3. NG --- 19世纪芭蕾在俄罗斯才流行

  4. T --- 18世纪中期跳芭蕾和宗教意见冲突

  5. T --- 对芭蕾舞的热情是否局限于皇室

  6. F --- 一个人进入某个阻止是否被拒绝

  7. 第一个theater建立者Alex

  8. 他是个director

  9. win worldwide popularity

  10. dance and dress code

  11. 法律相关舞蹈

  12. 普希金创作获得成功 successful publication

  13. 摆脱 myth

  Passage 2



  Passage 3

  澳洲国家美术馆 (旧题)重复2017.12.9


  Global Warming in New Zealand

  For many environmentalists, the world seems to be getting warmer. As the nearest country of South Polar Region, New Zealand has maintained an upward trend in its average temperature in the past few years. However, the temperature in New Zealand will go up 40C in the next century while the polar region will go up more than 60C. The different pictures of temperature stem from its surrounding ocean which acts like the air conditioner. Thus New Zealand is comparatively fortunate.

  Scientifically speaking, this temperature phenomenon in New Zealand originated from what researchers call "SAM" {Southern Annular Mode), which refers to the wind belt that circles the Southern Oceans including New Zealand and Antarctica. Yet recent work has revealed that changes in SAM in New Zealand have resulted in a weakening of moisture during the summer, and more rainfall in other seasons. A bigger problem may turn out to be heavier droughts for agricultural activities because of more water loss from soil, resulting in poorer harvest before winter when the rainfall arrive too late to rescue.

  Among all the calamities posed by drought, moisture deficit ranks the first. Moisture deficit is the gap between the water plants need during the growing season and the water the earth can offer. Measures of moisture deficit were at their highest since the 1970s in New Zealand. Meanwhile, ecological analyses clearly show moisture deficit is imposed at different growth stage of crops. If moisture deficit occurs around a crucial growth stage, it will cause about 22% reduction in grain yield as opposed to moisture deficit at vegetative phase.

  Global warming is not only affecting agriculture production. When scientists say the country's snow pack and glaciers are melting at an alarming rate due to global warming, the climate is putting another strain on the local places. For example, when the development of global warming is accompanied by the falling snow line, the local skiing industry comes into a crisis. The snow line may move up as the temperature goes up, and then the snow at the bottom will melt earlier. Fortunately, it is going to be favourable for the local skiing industry to tide over tough periods since the quantities of snowfall in some areas are more likely to increase.

  What is the reaction of glacier region? The climate change can be reflected in the glacier region in southern New Zealand or land covered by ice and snow. The reaction of a glacier to a climatic change involves a complex chain of processes. Over time periods of years to several decades, cumulative changes in mass balance cause volume and thickness changes, which will affect the flow of ice via altered internal deformation and basal sliding. This dynamic reaction finally leads to glacier length changes, the advance or retreat of glacier tongues. Undoubtedly, glacier mass balance is a more direct signal of annual atmospheric conditions.

  The latest research result of National Institute of Water and Atmospheric (NIWA) Research shows that glaciers line keeps moving up because of the impacts of global warming. Further losses of ice can be reflected in Mt. Cook Region. By 1996, a 14 km long sector of the glacier had melted down forming a melt lake (Hooker Lake) with a volume. Melting of the glacier front at a rate of 40 m/yr will cause the glacier to retreat at a rather uniform rate. Therefore, the lake will continue to grow until it reaches the glacier bed.

  A direct result of the melting glaciers is the change of high tides that serves the main factor for sea level rise. The trend of sea level rise will bring a threat to the groundwater system for its hyper-saline groundwater and then pose a possibility to decrease the agricultural production. Many experts believe that the best way to counter this trend is to give a longer-term view of sea level change in New Zealand. Indeed, the coastal boundaries need to be upgraded and redefined.

  There is no doubt that global warming has affected New Zealand in many aspects. The emphasis on the global warming should be based on the joints efforts of local people and experts who conquer the tough period. For instance, farmers are taking a long term, multi-generational approach to adjust the breeds and species according to the temperature, Agriculturists also find ways to tackle the problems that may bring to the soil. In broad terms, going forward, the systemic resilience that's been going on a long time in the ecosystem will continue.

  How about animals' reaction? Experts have surprisingly realised that animals have unconventional adaptation to global warming. A study has looked at sea turtles on a few northern beaches in New Zealand and it is very interesting to find that sea turtles can become male of female according to the temperature. Further researches will try to find out how rising temperatures would affect the ratio of sex reversal in their growth. Clearly, the temperature of the nest plays a vital role in the sexes of the baby turtles,

  Tackling the problems of global warming is never easy in New Zealand, because records show the slow process of global warming may have a different impact on various regions. For New Zealand, the emission of carbon dioxide only accounts for 0.5% of the world's total, which has met the governmental standard. However, (New Zealand's effort counts only a tip of the iceberg. So far, global warming has been a world issue that still hangs in an ambiguous future.

  27-30 Multiple Choices

  27.What does the author illustrate in the first paragraph?

  describing the role of art museums in Australian culture

  28. Contrast the old and new museums, the author criticized new ngv in what aspect?

  architecture dosing elements more than art

  29. What does the writer notice about the new museum?

  the order of room are connected by salon

  30. What should be done to keep NGV successful?

  ebullience passion

  31-35 Y/N/NG

  31. N --- Grounds' design failed to recognize the importance of founders and performances In museums.

  32. N --- Bellini’s New NGv neglect International museum design trends

  33. NG --- Bellini's work on subsequent museum projects has been less successful than thaton NGV.

  34. Y --- The gallery visitors go to temporary /exhibitions to the south, the first sequence of spaces for the permanent collection.

  35. NG --- Too much change may have negative the impact on it.

  36-40 Matching sentence endings

  A The museum program will lose its individuality

  B The museum will lose credibility

  C Will lose the museum' s independence

  D Will suffer its reputation

  E increase attendance in the future

  F People will be more willing to come here

  G more capability for increasing revenue

  H try to balance opposing and various demands

  I it is financial necessary

  36. F --- If a larger space in museum is available

  37. E --- If children are allowed to move freely in parts of the galleries

  38. A --- If too much emphasis is placed on the building industry

  39. D --- If there is over revenue on blockbusters overused

  40. H --- If museum want to continue to be successful





























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  Passage 1

  俄罗斯芭蕾舞发展史 (旧题)重复2019.11.2


  1. T --- 18世纪中期芭蕾流行

  2. NG --- 音乐教师数量上升 (和机经不一样,机经是F)

  3. NG --- 19世纪芭蕾在俄罗斯才流行

  4. T --- 18世纪中期跳芭蕾和宗教意见冲突

  5. T --- 对芭蕾舞的热情是否局限于皇室

  6. F --- 一个人进入某个阻止是否被拒绝

  7. 第一个theater建立者Alex

  8. 他是个director

  9. win worldwide popularity

  10. dance and dress code

  11. 法律相关舞蹈

  12. 普希金创作获得成功 successful publication

  13. 摆脱 myth

  Passage 2



  Passage 3

  澳洲国家美术馆 (旧题)重复2017.12.9


  Global Warming in New Zealand

  For many environmentalists, the world seems to be getting warmer. As the nearest country of South Polar Region, New Zealand has maintained an upward trend in its average temperature in the past few years. However, the temperature in New Zealand will go up 40C in the next century while the polar region will go up more than 60C. The different pictures of temperature stem from its surrounding ocean which acts like the air conditioner. Thus New Zealand is comparatively fortunate.

  Scientifically speaking, this temperature phenomenon in New Zealand originated from what researchers call "SAM" {Southern Annular Mode), which refers to the wind belt that circles the Southern Oceans including New Zealand and Antarctica. Yet recent work has revealed that changes in SAM in New Zealand have resulted in a weakening of moisture during the summer, and more rainfall in other seasons. A bigger problem may turn out to be heavier droughts for agricultural activities because of more water loss from soil, resulting in poorer harvest before winter when the rainfall arrive too late to rescue.

  Among all the calamities posed by drought, moisture deficit ranks the first. Moisture deficit is the gap between the water plants need during the growing season and the water the earth can offer. Measures of moisture deficit were at their highest since the 1970s in New Zealand. Meanwhile, ecological analyses clearly show moisture deficit is imposed at different growth stage of crops. If moisture deficit occurs around a crucial growth stage, it will cause about 22% reduction in grain yield as opposed to moisture deficit at vegetative phase.

  Global warming is not only affecting agriculture production. When scientists say the country's snow pack and glaciers are melting at an alarming rate due to global warming, the climate is putting another strain on the local places. For example, when the development of global warming is accompanied by the falling snow line, the local skiing industry comes into a crisis. The snow line may move up as the temperature goes up, and then the snow at the bottom will melt earlier. Fortunately, it is going to be favourable for the local skiing industry to tide over tough periods since the quantities of snowfall in some areas are more likely to increase.

  What is the reaction of glacier region? The climate change can be reflected in the glacier region in southern New Zealand or land covered by ice and snow. The reaction of a glacier to a climatic change involves a complex chain of processes. Over time periods of years to several decades, cumulative changes in mass balance cause volume and thickness changes, which will affect the flow of ice via altered internal deformation and basal sliding. This dynamic reaction finally leads to glacier length changes, the advance or retreat of glacier tongues. Undoubtedly, glacier mass balance is a more direct signal of annual atmospheric conditions.

  The latest research result of National Institute of Water and Atmospheric (NIWA) Research shows that glaciers line keeps moving up because of the impacts of global warming. Further losses of ice can be reflected in Mt. Cook Region. By 1996, a 14 km long sector of the glacier had melted down forming a melt lake (Hooker Lake) with a volume. Melting of the glacier front at a rate of 40 m/yr will cause the glacier to retreat at a rather uniform rate. Therefore, the lake will continue to grow until it reaches the glacier bed.

  A direct result of the melting glaciers is the change of high tides that serves the main factor for sea level rise. The trend of sea level rise will bring a threat to the groundwater system for its hyper-saline groundwater and then pose a possibility to decrease the agricultural production. Many experts believe that the best way to counter this trend is to give a longer-term view of sea level change in New Zealand. Indeed, the coastal boundaries need to be upgraded and redefined.

  There is no doubt that global warming has affected New Zealand in many aspects. The emphasis on the global warming should be based on the joints efforts of local people and experts who conquer the tough period. For instance, farmers are taking a long term, multi-generational approach to adjust the breeds and species according to the temperature, Agriculturists also find ways to tackle the problems that may bring to the soil. In broad terms, going forward, the systemic resilience that's been going on a long time in the ecosystem will continue.

  How about animals' reaction? Experts have surprisingly realised that animals have unconventional adaptation to global warming. A study has looked at sea turtles on a few northern beaches in New Zealand and it is very interesting to find that sea turtles can become male of female according to the temperature. Further researches will try to find out how rising temperatures would affect the ratio of sex reversal in their growth. Clearly, the temperature of the nest plays a vital role in the sexes of the baby turtles,

  Tackling the problems of global warming is never easy in New Zealand, because records show the slow process of global warming may have a different impact on various regions. For New Zealand, the emission of carbon dioxide only accounts for 0.5% of the world's total, which has met the governmental standard. However, (New Zealand's effort counts only a tip of the iceberg. So far, global warming has been a world issue that still hangs in an ambiguous future.

  27-30 Multiple Choices

  27.What does the author illustrate in the first paragraph?

  describing the role of art museums in Australian culture

  28. Contrast the old and new museums, the author criticized new ngv in what aspect?

  architecture dosing elements more than art

  29. What does the writer notice about the new museum?

  the order of room are connected by salon

  30. What should be done to keep NGV successful?

  ebullience passion

  31-35 Y/N/NG

  31. N --- Grounds' design failed to recognize the importance of founders and performances In museums.

  32. N --- Bellini’s New NGv neglect International museum design trends

  33. NG --- Bellini's work on subsequent museum projects has been less successful than thaton NGV.

  34. Y --- The gallery visitors go to temporary /exhibitions to the south, the first sequence of spaces for the permanent collection.

  35. NG --- Too much change may have negative the impact on it.

  36-40 Matching sentence endings

  A The museum program will lose its individuality

  B The museum will lose credibility

  C Will lose the museum' s independence

  D Will suffer its reputation

  E increase attendance in the future

  F People will be more willing to come here

  G more capability for increasing revenue

  H try to balance opposing and various demands

  I it is financial necessary

  36. F --- If a larger space in museum is available

  37. E --- If children are allowed to move freely in parts of the galleries

  38. A --- If too much emphasis is placed on the building industry

  39. D --- If there is over revenue on blockbusters overused

  40. H --- If museum want to continue to be successful





