
2012-05-07 04:26:15 雅思本文

TV advertisements targeted at kids restricted?

Topic: there are an increasingly variety of advertisements on TV which target at children. The advertisements make use of bright colors, fair-sounding music and attractive slogans to lure the kids who, though having no money, do have a say in buying things since they are all “apples in their parents’ eyes”. Should these advertisements be restricted?

7. If advertisers really take the business codes seriously they should not target TV advertising at small children. But a glance around the world reveals that this is just what they do.
8. Advertising specifically to children is unethical because they have little or no money of their own and have to persuade their parents to buy the products for them.
9. Rather than advertising directly to parents, companies use a “nag and whine” campaign that leads to bad feeling between parents and children.
10. They rely on pester power to make adults spend money they don’t have on things they don’t want to buy, and which their children may well only play with for a few hours.
11. Advertising which presents products to children as “must-have” is also socially divisive, making children whose parents cannot afford them appear inferior, and creating feelings of frustration and inadequacy, as well as leading families into debt.
12. Children do not fully understand what advertising is. Any advertising directed at them therefore breaches the advertising industry’s own standards.

8. If advertising to children were banned, then governments would not be able to use this means of promoting healthy eating, road safety, hygiene, and other socially useful messages.
9. This measure sets a bad precedent which is likely to result in ever more restrictions upon the freedom of expression.
10. Children watch many programs that adults also enjoy, and some adults are also particularly suggestible; should we then extend this ban to all television advertising?
11. And why stop at television when children are also exposed to radio, cinema, the Internet and billboards in the street as well? Perhaps companies should also be banned from sponsoring entertainment and sporting events for children, and prevented from providing free branded resources for schools.
12. TV advertising funds programs and without TV advertising to children there would not be any children’s programming on commercial television.
13. Any restrictions will be impossible to enforce as television is increasingly broadcast by satellite across national borders and cannot easily be controlled - nor can the Internet.
Words and expressions for the topic:

business codes 商业准则
persuade v.说服, 劝说
a “nag and whine” campaign唠叨和缠人的活动策略 pester vt.使烦恼, 纠缠

socially divisive分化社会的
inferior adj.自卑的, 劣等的
feelings of frustration and inadequacy挫折感和不足感 breach n.违背, 破坏
advertising industry 广告业

ban vt.禁止, 取缔 means n.手段, 方法
healthy eating健康饮食
road safety 行车安全 hygiene n.卫生
precedent n.先例 restriction n.限制, 约束
freedom of expression言论自由
suggestible adj.耳根软的, 可建议的, 容易受暗示影响的
billboard n.(户外)布告板, 广告牌
sponsor vt.主办, 赞助 entertainment娱乐
sporting events体育赛事
fund v. 资助, 投资
restriction n.限制, 约束
enforce vt.强迫, 执行 broadcast n.广播



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