上海:a famous person , someone did something kind to you
深圳:interesting shop, 亲手做过的东西
成都:最喜欢一天中的什么时候,someone did something kind to you
广州:最感兴趣的文化,job you wanted to do when you are a child,a science subject in high school, an old building, a happy marriage(新题) sport event, 假如你有很多钱你会干嘛
南宁:家具, 最喜欢的天气
西安:家具, 想买的国外产品
重庆:a letter you received
合肥:a thing you lose, a happy event,生气的事,游泳的地方,旅行,音乐,建议,想去的城市,户外运动,电视节目,招聘,理想住房
南京:最喜欢的天气, a famous person
杭州:film you recently watch
太原:有用的网站, a trip when you are a child
厦门福州:a difficult thing you did
内蒙古:印象深刻的一餐, 年轻人喜欢的工作
沈阳:a special meal
澳大利亚 阿德莱德:job you wanted to do when you are a child,一个历史事件(新)
Part1:名字,What Can I Call You?Hometown Major、Is it popular in China? Why?
Part 2:Good student(Why is him/her a good student? What did you learn from him/her? How die you become a better student after study with him?)
Part3:Do you think good sthdent need (本来她说Have,后来解释是Need——That's what I mean………………)good teacher?
What is good teacher?
Do you think the younger generation studied TOO(生怕我抓不住还特意重读了……)hard?
Why you find it sad?(这是因为我前一题最后一句说的是“And it's kind sad”她顺着问的。)