
2012-06-21 21:01:16 雅思考试
 Describea friend you haven‘t been in contact with for a long time but who you wouldlike to see again

    Youshould say:

    Who thisfriend is

    How longyou have not been in contact

    When youwould like to meet him or her

    What youwould like to do together

    Andexplain why you haven‘t been in contact for a long time


    Why dopeople have friends?

    How dopeople become friends?

    The happiest person you know (北京、上海)

    Describe thehappiest person you know

    Youshould say:

    Who theperson is

    How youknow the person

    How theperson show happiness

    Andexplain why you think the person is the happiest

    A musician or group popular (北京、郑州)

    Describe amusician or group popular in your country

    Youshould say:

    Whichperson or band

    Who oftenlikes listening to their/his/her songs

    What kindof music they/he/she sings

    Andexplain why you admire then/him/her.

    A past family member(广州、北京)

    Describea past family member who led a interesting life

    Youshould say:

    Who theperson was

    What kindof person he or she was

    What youand this person usually did together

    Andexplain why you think the person led a interesting life

    Part 3

    How dopeople know the history of their families? ……

    Arepeople interested in the history of their living places? why?

    A child(悉尼)

    Describea child you know

    What is he/she like

    What about his/her personality

    And how do you know him/her

    A character in a film (新西兰、北京)

    Describe a character in a film

    Youshould say:

    Who thecharacter was

    When youknow it

    What thecharater looked like

    What thecharacter did in the TV program or film

    Andexplain what influence this character had on you

    Describe a leader who you admire(北京)

    Youshould say:

    Who thisperson is

    What thisperson did that you admire

    How youknow this person or know about this person

    Andexplain this leader‘s qualities impressed you.


    A job you would like to have in the future (北京、广州)

    Describea job you would like to have in the future.

    Youshould say:

    what thisjob would involve

    whatstudy you would need to do to prepare for this work

    why youwould like to have this job

    andexplain what skills you would need for this work.。

    A book you like to read again(北京)

    Describea book you like to read again.

    Youshould say:

    what'sthe name of the book

    what typeof book it is

    whatcontent it has

    andexplain why you like to read this type of book again.

    A modern building(杭州、天津)

    Describea modern building.

    What is it located?

    What is it used for?

    Explain why you think it is the most interesting?

    A family photograph (武汉)

    Describeone of your favourite family photographs.

    Youshould say:

    who tookthe photo

    when itwas taken

    where itwas taken

    andexplain why you like it.

    A group activity that you took part in(哈尔滨)

    Describe a group activity you took part in atcollege

    what did you do

    who was with you

    how the team influenced you

    An educational TV program(杭州、北京、长春)

    Describe an educational TV program that you like towatch.

    You should say:

    the name of the program

    what type of program it is

    what contents it has

    and explain what you learn from this program.
























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 Describea friend you haven‘t been in contact with for a long time but who you wouldlike to see again

    Youshould say:

    Who thisfriend is

    How longyou have not been in contact

    When youwould like to meet him or her

    What youwould like to do together

    Andexplain why you haven‘t been in contact for a long time


    Why dopeople have friends?

    How dopeople become friends?

    The happiest person you know (北京、上海)

    Describe thehappiest person you know

    Youshould say:

    Who theperson is

    How youknow the person

    How theperson show happiness

    Andexplain why you think the person is the happiest

    A musician or group popular (北京、郑州)

    Describe amusician or group popular in your country

    Youshould say:

    Whichperson or band

    Who oftenlikes listening to their/his/her songs

    What kindof music they/he/she sings

    Andexplain why you admire then/him/her.

    A past family member(广州、北京)

    Describea past family member who led a interesting life

    Youshould say:

    Who theperson was

    What kindof person he or she was

    What youand this person usually did together

    Andexplain why you think the person led a interesting life

    Part 3

    How dopeople know the history of their families? ……

    Arepeople interested in the history of their living places? why?

    A child(悉尼)

    Describea child you know

    What is he/she like

    What about his/her personality

    And how do you know him/her

    A character in a film (新西兰、北京)

    Describe a character in a film

    Youshould say:

    Who thecharacter was

    When youknow it

    What thecharater looked like

    What thecharacter did in the TV program or film

    Andexplain what influence this character had on you

    Describe a leader who you admire(北京)

    Youshould say:

    Who thisperson is

    What thisperson did that you admire

    How youknow this person or know about this person

    Andexplain this leader‘s qualities impressed you.


    A job you would like to have in the future (北京、广州)

    Describea job you would like to have in the future.

    Youshould say:

    what thisjob would involve

    whatstudy you would need to do to prepare for this work

    why youwould like to have this job

    andexplain what skills you would need for this work.。

    A book you like to read again(北京)

    Describea book you like to read again.

    Youshould say:

    what'sthe name of the book

    what typeof book it is

    whatcontent it has

    andexplain why you like to read this type of book again.

    A modern building(杭州、天津)

    Describea modern building.

    What is it located?

    What is it used for?

    Explain why you think it is the most interesting?

    A family photograph (武汉)

    Describeone of your favourite family photographs.

    Youshould say:

    who tookthe photo

    when itwas taken

    where itwas taken

    andexplain why you like it.

    A group activity that you took part in(哈尔滨)

    Describe a group activity you took part in atcollege

    what did you do

    who was with you

    how the team influenced you

    An educational TV program(杭州、北京、长春)

    Describe an educational TV program that you like towatch.

    You should say:

    the name of the program

    what type of program it is

    what contents it has

    and explain what you learn from this program.
