考试日期: | 2012年12月1日 |
Part 1考题总结 | |
考题总结: | Self-introduction and personal information |
Part 2&3考题总结 | |
考题总结: | People |
次考试考题精选范例解析: | 1. What’s your favorite sport? Analysis: 常考问题之一。延伸问题:Why do you like it so much?/Do you like to exercise daily? Sample Answer: My favorite sport is definitely soccer. I love the feeling of being out there on the field and just running with the wind. 2. What do you do in your spare time? / How do you usually spend your leisure time? Analysis: 常考问题之一。同义问题:What is your hobby? Why? Sample Answer: Sometimes my work keeps me so busy that I hardly have any spare time. But if I really have some, I would like to do some reading. My friends also ask me to do sports together with them, like playing basketball and swimming. 3. Describe a situation when you had to be polite You should say What situation it was When it was What happened? And explain why you had to be polite Analysis: 这道题是2012年全国考区的高频考题,很多同学对这个题目感觉到很陌生,其实就是一般的事件题,只是在事件中要点出可以展示出来的良好品德。 Sample: This topic reminds me of what happened on last Saturday when I was traveling in Shanghai. Before the trip, I'd booked a room in the local Sheraton hotel. The flight arrived in Shanghai at midnight, and it's said we were the last wave of travelers on that day. The tiring flying and terrible airsickness got me really dizzy. All I wanted at that moment was a cozy bed. But after stepping into the foyer of Sheraton, I was shocked by something awful. A young receptionist told me my reservation was not in his system. And there was not any other room available. I was nearly driven mad by his words. My heart was filled with anger and disappointment. But I tried to restrain the mood and avoid losing the temper. Smiling to the young man, I asked him to find me the lobby manager for a better solution. Later, I was told it was only a little accident, and my reservation had already been accepted. 4. Describe a wedding that you attended You should say: When it was Who was there What you did there and explain why you think it was successful Analysis: 在雅思口语考试的机经题库中,以wedding为主题的问题分别出现在了第一部分和第二部分,在第一部分中,题库中的考题有,what’s the typical Chinese wedding like? What do people usually wear in the wedding? …这些题目相对而言比较简单,在答题中简单展示出中西文化差异即可。但是在第二部分中,很多同学看到wedding这个话题时会觉得很难表达,其实这个话 题仅仅是描述一次参加婚礼的经历即可,朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家建议各位同学拿到话题之后,就马上开始根据wedding这个关键词做brain storming, 在脑海中可能会出现的词:rose petals, lovely balloons, red carpet, wedding candies, bride and groom, exchange the rings, exchange vows…有了这些单词,接下来就是组织语言的工作了,事件题相当于是一篇口述的记叙文,各位考生可以把记叙文的六大要素(when, who, where, beginning, plot, ending)融入进去,并且可以在其中点出自己最难忘的一个场景之类。例如:I think the most romantic part was the time when the newlyweds were taking the wedding vows. The groom said to the bride, “I love three things in the world, the sun, the moon and you, the sun for the day, the moon for the night, and you forever.” And the bride said to the groom, “To the world, you might be just one person, but to me, you are my whole world.” Those words touched everybody’s heart. 这个场景中出现的两段话,其实在我们的日常生活中,各类的英语美文中随处可见,朗阁专家建议同学们可以有意识的准备一些类似的小段子,用在自己的口语考试 中,为自己加一个亮点。 |
雅思口语趋势分析和备考指导 | 从2012年全年考试趋势来看,雅思口语Part2话题的多样化增加。抽象话题将持续增加,更加侧重考察考生对语言的运用能力。在2012年的雅思 考试中,我们会发现,雅思口语考试除了传统意义上的简单考察考生组织语言的能力,并且在评分上,考官的潜意识里为内容丰富,题材有趣的考生加分。在历年来 的备考过程中,很多考生可能只是紧跟评分标准,从Pronunciation, Lexical Resource, Fluency and Coherence以及Grammatical Range and Accuracy这四个方面来完善自己的备考,但只是这样做是不够的,2013年雅思口语的内容除了机经题库里的一些话题外,将更加关注国外风土人情,环 保,动物保护,并将更广泛的涉及外国文化、食物、媒体等各个方面的话题。雅思口语考试一方面是为了测试考生运用英语进行交流的能力,另一方面也是为了考生 将来的海外生活打下基础,让考生能够快速适应海外生活。所以在雅思口语考试的备考过程中不仅要准备好学术类的素材,而且也要准备海外生活方面的相关素材。 朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家建议各位考生,优秀的语言组织能力加上丰富的内容,各位考生必将在2013年的雅思考试中取得理想的成绩。 |